Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »

The election in Michigan and many other states went the way it did for several reasons, here are just a few important ones:

#1. Because enough people are not fully awake yet.

#2. Because enough people are not standing up and taking action.

#3. Because enough people have not reached the precipice yet.

Yes, we know there was mass cheating, but regardless, God allowed this to happen for a reason.

Instead of people getting all bent out of shape and having literal meltdowns, and instead of people saying they are leaving Michigan, we need to stand up and take action.

Patriots and warriors don't get bent out of shape and have literal meltdowns when the going gets tough and when something does not go our way, Patriots and warriors step up, and we press into the resistance, we keep going against the grain, and we keep pushing forward in the face of evil and tyranny, and we use these types of situations to cause strength, courage and boldness to press forward.

Quitters get bent out of shape, literal meltdowns, and quitters pack up and move to a different state.

We are in the world, but we are not of the world. We are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness. Our strength does not come from the world or from ourselves, but from God only. Our wisdom, our courage, our boldness and our integrity does not come from the world but from God only. Having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that we are in the world, but we are not of the world. It means that we understand that we are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness, and having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that our wisdom, our strength, our courage, our boldness and our integrity comes only from God, and therefore we need to act like warriors, our words must match our actions and what we say and what we do ought to resemble the actions of a warrior. We must not only talk the talk, but we must also walk the walk. There are far too many cowards in this world (especially elected ones) who don't back their words up with solid action, or they say one thing to your face but do the opposite behind your back.

Now is the time for us who are Patriots and warriors to step up and be set-apart from the rest of the world. Now is the time for us to be courageous and take a stand for what is right. And now is the time for us to make an everlasting change not just for our children and grandchildren but for the entire Kingdom of God.

Trevor Winchell
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Trevor Winchell
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