Our elected Public Servants will be held accountable for their actions and justice will be served

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Our elected Public Servants will be held accountable for their actions and justice will be served

Post by xotrevor »

For 17 months, the people of Michigan have been demanding an audit according to our constitutional right. And for 17 months, the people of Michigan have been wondering why they were being denied their constitutional right to audit the statewide election. And for 17 months the state legislature has had the opportunity to do the right thing according to the law and according to the constitutional rights of the people of Michigan, and they have failed to do both, not to mentioned they have failed to uphold the oath they took when they were sworn into office.



§ 1 Oath of public officers.

Sec. 1.

All officers, legislative, executive and judicial, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .......... according to the best of my ability. No other oath, affirmation, or any religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust.


And because of our findings according to our federal lawsuit, we have been able to uncover one of the most likely reasons why we do not have an audit in Michigan yet.

I do believe that the state legislature and those who were complicit who know what they have done thought they could wait until the 22 months had expired regarding the maintaining of all election records and data. And I do believe that they were holding out until the 22 months had passed so that election data and information would be deleted, and they would be in the free and clear of their crimes.

But I do believe wholeheartedly that God had other plans. And since God knows all, He sees all, and He is in control of everything, He put and on my heart to get involved along with Ethan. Because in just 17 short days, God has led us to all the right places through our research and investigation to find into uncover information and pieces to this puzzle of corruption that I do believe the Legislature never thought anyone would figure out. I mean we have senator Ed McBroom telling us that he is going to give us some documents that we requested, he keeps giving us excuses saying all happened to you this weekend or next week and that's the week after. And another senator, Jon Bumstead, who recently deleted his entire post after I posted some questions regarding the actions of the legislature. On his post, he was talking about some election integrity bills that they passed recently. It just so happens that like 10 or 15 minutes after I commented with my questions on his post, the entire post is just gone.

The actions of the legislature over the next several days and weeks regarding what we have found in the pieces that we have put together will show us all that we need to know, as their actions will speak louder than their words ever will, and all of us will be able the truth of their actions.

Folks, they know that we know because of the research and the investigation that we've done. They know that we are on to their scheme. They know that we have put all the pieces to this puzzle together, they know that we are bringing awareness to as many people in Michigan as possible, and we will continue to do so. And they know that we are bringing a federal lawsuit against them, and they know that we have the information the evidence and the proof of what they've done to back it up. Their actions and their lack of response and their silence speaks volumes to us, and it ought to speak volumes to you as well. We are asking for people to share the information we are posting and share our group, "Constitutional Accountability Coalition" with as many people as you can, and get involved in any way you can, whether it's supporting us financially or helping us with anything that we need help with. Together we can make a difference to hold these elected public servants who have denied us our rights and who have broke the law accountable for their actions and as a result Justice will be served.

The real question that I have and quite frankly all of us citizens of Michigan should have, is that how did those who were complicit in the legislature benefit from this, and what did they receive in return for going along with this? It had to be something pretty significant or something pretty substantial because they all knew the consequences of their actions and what they have done if they were caught.

And as we mentioned on our live show last night, any legislature who did not know about this or who was not aware that this was going on, please reach out to us. And any legislature who comes forward who was not involved in this here or who was not aware of this will be required to have a sworn affidavit stating that they were not involved or that they were not aware of what was going on. And any state legislature that comes forward and has a sworn affidavit stating that they were not involved will not be included in our lawsuit. But if you do choose to sign an affidavit, you ought to make sure that you were not involved in any way or that you were not in any committee meetings or any other type of meeting where this was discussed because it will come out. So again I highly encourage any state legislature that was not involved or that was not aware of what was going on here please reach out to us, we want to work with you not against you.

But please know that the window of opportunity to come forward and dissent from being involved in this illegal activity is closing quickly because once we file our lawsuit in federal court, which will be soon, it will be final.

Trevor Winchell
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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