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Post by xotrevor »



Russian Forces discovered over 30 US owned, CIA run Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine ready to release viruses on the Russian people.

Biden and the Deep State wanted a war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in Ukraine. The current president Volodymyr Zelensky who was investigating and charging Biden would be removed and the investigations would cease.

Chernobyl could be 48 HOURS from leaking radiation, Ukraine warns, after power is
cut off, making it impossible to cool: ... vered.html

Evidently last week the Russian Army discovered a significant Bio-weapons Lab beneath Chernobyl (one of thirty Bio-Weapon Labs discovered in the Ukraine funded by the Deep State Obama/ Biden/ Fauci/ CIA. The labs developed viruses to be unleashed on the general public for the Deep State Depopulation Agenda).

The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that it has acquired documents belonging to the
4th Rapid Reaction Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine dated this January that
prove the Zelensky regime was planning an offensive against the Donbass republics this
month. This is getting huge play in Russia, and a swinging popular sentiment firmly
behind Putin.

Ukraine Burisma Story involves billions in IMF and US Funds looted by Biden,
Kerry, others: ... -holdings/

Obama established Ukraine BioWeapon Labs that produce dangerous pathogens: ... in-ukraine

Russia “invading” Ukraine set off the chain of events to End the Fed by crashing the existing monetary system and switching over to CBDC.

US BioWeapon Labs in Ukraine confirmed: Ukraine has "biological research facilities," says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she's concerned Russia may get
them. Russian groups are saying they uncovered a plot by Ukrainians to release a biological weapon in the country with NATO‟s help. Russian General Confirms 30 biolabs. He says they have been tracking these biolabs since 2014 and has resulted in an uncontrolled increase in sickness, highly dangerous & economically destabilizing infections. “We believe that in 2007, the African swine fever contagion was overseen by the Pentagon.” “The Ukrainian Ministry of defense was ordered to destroy these pathogens on February 24, 2022.” ... GEnICarIsg

Expect Russia to declassify server data evidence on Ukraine Bio-Weapons Lab and nuclear dealings (creating nuclear bombs from sourced Middle East Deep State Operators).

Massive efforts by the Russian Army are underway to ensure Ukrainians have food and essentials while the military continues to eradicate the Azov Nazis. On Wed, March 9th, the Russian military, together with a detachment of the FSB border service in the Kursk region and the administration of the Glushkovsky district, held a humanitarian action in the village of Ryzhevka, Belopolsky district, Sumy region. The military distributed 250 food rations to those in need.

In 2015 George Soros joked with his media goons about how the “Soros Empire” had been taking over other small countries and they‟ve had their eyes on the “Soviet Empire” for some time now. Soros in the last few years has become bitter enemies with Xi, Putin and of course, our very own President Trump. Patriots know why! Now the DS has its sights fixed on us and Russia. Why wouldn‟t they use Ukraine for all they can at destabilizing the globe?

The Deep State Cabal Rothschilds, who now owe another 23 trillion to Asian Cabal leaders, were in a panic. They didn‟t make the 1 Jan. repayment deadline. That was part of the reason for the war in Ukraine and China. Currently the Rothschilds families were selling off their holdings.

After the infiltration of their country, attempts to create vaccines passes and control food, the Kazakhstan people had enough and revolted. With help of Putin and the Russian Military Intel Ops, they kicked out the Davos Group and installed corporations and leaders. That was one of the reasons Putin could not wait on Ukraine as the Davos/ HRC/ Obama Deep State group next eyed Ukraine to unleash bioweapon that targeted Slavic ethnic groups.

George Bush was the leader in creating implementing Bio-Weapons (project for the new American Century that targeted certain ethnic groups such as the Slavic and helped create SARS to target Chinese and Asian ethnic groups. However, the human immune system recovered far faster than expected. (Bird flu. Ebola SARS were Bio-Weapons).

The Military White Hats in every nation will arrest their own Deep State officials in government, media, elites, Deep State Military and all who colluded in the Pandemic, vaccines Bio-Weapons and those who betrayed their country by working with the Deep State Cabal (Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, etc.).

In the next months expect the world‟s largest earthquakes to happen. For now pay attention weather and tectonic weapons being used throughout the world: Volcanoes, explosions, droughts, floods, fires, cyclones, tsunamis, ect. China Calls Out US For Hiding Bio-Weapons Lab in Ukraine: ... -inukraine

Technically Ukraine is still part of Russia so the UN considers the “invasion” an internal police action. The UN does not recognize Ukraine as a country, but as a territory of Russia.

After the breakup of the USSR, Ukraine never registered their boundaries or completed the documentation necessary for the UN to designate them an independent nation. The UN has been requesting that they do so since 1991, but they haven't and until they do, they are part of Russia. Therefore, by the UN's own charter regulations, they cannot call Russia's action in Ukraine a "war" or "invasion" as it only qualifies as an internal police action.

Ukraine had good reasons for not declaring itself independent from Russia. They were able to steal half of the Russian gas headed for Europe and Russia couldn't prosecute them in an international court because it was an internal affair. Russia also got stuck paying all of Ukraine's debts, which were considerable.



(Top) A photo of the Azov Battalion – a regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine, with a NATO flag, an Azov flag, and a Nazi flag.

(Bottom) The emblem of the Azov Battalion, the Nazi Black Sun, and the "Wolfsangel" or "Wolf-hook" symbol used by the Nazi Waffen-SS.



Russia calling for a UN Security Council meeting is a big deal. As I was talking about earlier, almost every country in the world is part of the Biological Weapons Convention. Article 6 states: "Any State Party to this convention which finds that any other state party is acting in breach of obligations..." "Such a complaint should include all possible evidence confirming its validity".

Russia has proof the United States breached their obligations and they are about to prove it to the world. ... lish-1.pdf


Now, something incredibly important we need to cover as I see other Anons are reaching out for clarification surrounding the difference between “Biological Laboratory” and “Biological Research Facility”.

Let me make this abundantly clear. THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME F**KING THING!

Nuland and the deep state rats are playing semantics with you and utilizing euphemisms to make their biolab activity appear less diabolical and trying to discourage us from proceeding.

In order to conduct research on biological pathogens, you need a laboratory to house the pathogens. Every single research facility housing Biological material, is a laboratory. The harmful pathogens are on site. The only thing preventing that pathogen from being used for research and used as a weapon, is the INTENT of those in control of the laboratory.

At ANY MOMENT they could release these pathogens. That is the moment it becomes a bioweapon. When the user decides to use it as a weapon. Just like a carrot is not a weapon, until I decide to stab you in the eye ball with it. Now it’s a weapon.

Does it make sense? These “research facilities” are housing the most harmful and deadly pathogens known to man that at any moment can be released. We are also genetically modifying and altering these pathogens to target specific genome sequences, meaning targeting specific races and nationalities with specific DNA sequences.

Do not let them fool you with their wordage. Laboratory and Research Facility are the exact same thing. They are attempting to deceive you. Don’t let them.


Three Ukrainian Officials have sworn under oath that Ukraine interfered against Trump in the 2016 US Election:


The liberal #FakeNews mainstream media continues to play defense for Democrats insisting that Ukraine did NOT interfere in the 2016 US presidential election. Of course, this is fake news.

In early 2016 Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa. She is still working at the DNC. She wanted dirt on Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort.

The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked VERY CLOSELY with DNC operative and Hillary supporter Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.
Mueller has no interest in hearing Andrii’s story. It doesn’t fit his narrative.
Mueller and his angry Democrat lawyers are not interested in the truth.
They only want to destroy Trump.

Andrii is speaking out about his experiences with DNC operatives.
He believes he is safe as long as he speaks out.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with former Ukrainian Embassy official Andrii Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-Gate Scandal.

Andrii Telizhenko worked in Washington DC at the Ukraine Embassy in 2016. Today Andrii is a political consultant. Andrii was approached by a DNC operative during the 2016 election (March-April 2016).

This past week Andrii Telizhenko joined two other Ukrainian officials who all swore under oath that Ukraine was meddling in the 2016 US election.


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs

Rosemont Seneca technology partners and investment from led by Hunter Biden invested in the pandemic firm Metabiota collaborating with EchoHealth and the Wuhan lab. Rosemont Seneca technology partners (RFTP) wias an offshoot of Rosemont capital, and investment fund founded by Biden and John Kerry stepson in 2009. Since 2014, Metabiota has been a partner of EchoHealth alliance as part of the US agency for international developments (USAID) "PREDICT" project, which seeks to predict and prevent global emerging disease threats. As part of this effort, researchers from metabiota, EchoHealth alliance, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborated on studies relating to infectious diseases.

Rosemont Seneca Partners is an investment fund firm. The fund was named after the Rosemont Farm, the Heinz family's estate near Pittsburgh.

It was founded in 2009 by Christopher Heinz, and Devon Archer. Christopher Heinz is the stepson of former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Archer is a businessman who was Heinz's college classmate. Heinz ended his business relationship with them in 2014 after Biden and Archer joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company; Heinz had opposed them joining the board due to the reputational risk.

In 2018 Devon Archer was convicted on securities fraud and conspiracy charges.

Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided capital for the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine.

We heard on Tuesday from the US State Department that there were US Biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday the Biden regime backtracked and insisted there were no US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine.

Why the sudden confusing messaging from the Biden gang? Especially when there are documents that prove the US was funding several of the Biolabs they set up in Ukraine to study potentially dangerous pathogens.

It may be because Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca was funding the firms involved in the building of these labs in Ukraine and they felt this was not something they wanted the American people to know.

InfoWars put together an excellent article with connections between Hunter Biden and the firm Metabiota, which was involved in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine.

The Gateway Pundit identified through the Wayback Machine that Rosemont Seneca provided capital (invested in) Metabiota as noted on the firm’s website back in 2014.

It is listed as “Our Team’s Investments” on the Rosemont Senaca webpage. ... companies/

We also located a number of documents from the Wayback Machine (meaning they have been since deleted off the Internet) that show the Department of Defense investing in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine with the help of firm Black & Veatch.

Here is a sample of one of the documents located. (We’ve located nearly a dozen of these documents.) ... Sheet-Eng2

Metabiota publicized its relationship with Black & Veach in 2018:

Today, Metabiota, the pioneer in epidemic risk modeling, announced it has been awarded a subcontract from Black & Veatch (B&V) to support the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) in Iraq under the Biological Threat Reduction Integrating Contract (BTRIC). Metabiota has also partnered with B&V on DTRA’s recently awarded Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract (CTRIC) III with an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract ceiling of $970M.

The US State Department admitted to having Biolabs in Ukraine on Tuesday in front of the US Senate. Then yesterday the Biden White House claimed these Biolabs in Ukraine were not biological weapons labs.

Today we have confirmation that there were Biolabs in Ukraine and Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested in the firms who were building these labs.

Russian Military Accuses Pentagon Of Destroying Evidence Of Secret Biological Experiments In Ukraine


During a Sunday press conference, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov claimed employees at Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine urgently destroyed hazardous pathogens being experimented on at the facilities.

“In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kiev regime’s hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program finance by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine has been revealed,” he said.

The Russian military official said employees at the labs handed over a copy of a February 24th document from Ukrainian Minister of Health Viktor Liashko instructing them to get rid of the research material.

“To prevent the disclosure of facts of violations by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent instructions to all biological laboratories to urgently eliminate stored stocks of dangerous pathogens,” he explained.

Watch Video:

A Twitter account providing copies of the documents along with English translations noted that if the Pentagon was, or is funding biolabs in Ukraine that are working on these dangerous pathogens, it would violate Article 1 of the UN prohibition on biological weapons.

The Russian defense spokesperson continued, “Obviously, after the launch of the special military operations, Pentagon became afraid that secret biological experiments in Ukraine will be exposed. We will share the results of the analysis of the documents we have received in the near future. Some of them, in particular the Ukrainian health ministry’s instruction to destroy pathogens and certificates of completion from the Kharkov and Poltava biolaboratories we are publishing right now.”

On Monday, the Russian Army’s Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Igor Kirillov, discussed the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency’s alleged 30-plus biolabs in Ukraine.

The top Russian military member named the American company Black & Veatch as being involved in the projects.


How Are Hunter Biden, Klaus Schwab & CIA Connected To US Biolabs In Ukraine?


During a Monday press conference, the Russian Army’s Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Igor Kirillov, mentioned a private American company called Black & Veatch as being partnered with the Pentagon on secret Ukrainian biolab projects.

“A firm affiliated to the Defense Department, (Black and Veatch above all others) are involved in the implementation of the projects,” he said.

Watch Video:

In 2015, an article titled, “Why Does Pentagon Need Laboratories In Ukraine?” touched on Black & Veatch’s involvement in the biolabs.

Biolabs operated under the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) program from 2008 to 2017 were constructed and operated by Black & Veatch following an estimated $215.6 million of work.

Prior to 1996, the DTRA was perhaps more accurately referred to as Defense Special Weapons Agency.

The US corporation brags of having worked with the Pentagon since 2003.

The DOD Black & Veatch project included the building of labs in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Thailand, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Armenia.

In 2014, a firm called Metabiota, which specializes in detecting, tracking, and analyzing potential disease outbreaks, signed an $18.4 million federal contract as a subcontractor for Black & Veatch in Georgia and Ukraine.

The pair even share an office in Kiev, according to a job advertisement posted by Black & Veatch.


In a 2016 meeting in Lviv, Ukraine, representatives of Black & Veatch and Metabiota discussed biological security, safety and surveillance with representatives of Ukraine, Poland and the United States.

In 2015, amid these clandestine projects, Google-funded Metabiota to the tune of $1 million.

These well-connected “corporations” have more interesting ties as well.

Metabiota was started with help from U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and his investment firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), which he founded alongside John Kerry’s stepson in 2009.

The Hunter Biden firm was the center of a massive scandal in 2020 after it was revealed the wife of the former mayor of Moscow mysteriously wired $3.5 million to the “investment” group.

In June of 2021, Natalie Winters of The National Pulse detailed the Biden firm’s funding of the San Francisco-based Metabiota.

A June 2015 financial report shows RSTP gave Metabiota $30 million to help “protect the world from the spread of epidemics.”


One year before RSTP began funding Metabiota, the disease tracking company partnered with the now-infamous EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) under the USAID’s Predict Project.

In 2014, Metabiota, EHA and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were all named as researchers in a study on infectious diseases deriving from Chinese bats.

In 2016, EHA president Peter Daszak attended a Rockefeller Foundation forum alongside Metabiota’s chief scientific officer Edward Rubin to discuss The Global Virome Project, which promotes an international database and tracking system “akin to the Human Genome Project.”

EHA is the group Dr. Anthony Fauci used to funnel money to the Wuhan lab after the Obama administration put a halt to dangerous gain-of-function research in 2014.

In 2021, thanks to Joe Biden, the USAID once again sought the help of EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota for a taxpayer-funded investigation into what may cause the next pandemic.

For those wondering why the lab leak theory and Hunter Biden’s ties to the Wuhan lab were covered up by the media, it could be the fact that Google has been funding EcoHealth Alliance for over a decade.

Google also has its ties with Metabiota, via the Central Intelligence Agency.

Besides Hunter Biden, Google and the Pentagon, Metabiota is in a working relationship with known CIA front In-Q-Tel.

Created by the CIA in 1999 as “the first government-sponsored venture capital firm,” In-Q-Tel has been controversial since its inception.

“Metabiota provides capabilities to better understand infectious disease risk via open-source data fusion and sophisticated epidemic simulations,” a top In-Q-Tel employee said when the groups partnered.

Google was also spawned by the CIA, via Stanford University, and has carried out several contracts with the agency throughout its existence.

In 2004, Google bought the firm Keyhole, which had originally been funded by In-Q-Tel.

The 2019 Greg Reese special report posted below highlights the In-Q-Tel ties to Facebook, another outlet with reason to censor information on this topic.

The Suspicious relationship between FACEBOOK And The CIA:
Watch Video:

Metabiota’s founder, “virus hunter” Nathan Wolfe, also sits on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and is a member of DARPA’s Defense Science Research Council.

Wolfe’s projects have received funding from the NIH, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Geographic Society in addition to the previously detailed Google and DOD financing.

In 2012, Wolfe wrote a book titled, “The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age,” where he thanked friends including deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and biotech venture capitalist Boris Nikolic.

Nikolic was named as the “successor executor” on Epstein’s will upon his death.

View Twitter Post: ... 4469978112

Referred to by mainstream media as the “Indiana Jones” of virus hunting, Wolfe has been photographed hanging out with Ghislaine Maxwell on multiple occasions.


View Twitter Post: ... 0670067715

The Metabiota founder’s wife is a liberal playwright who incorporates left-wing activism into her shows and hosted an anti-Trump viewing on the night of the 2016 election with proceeds going to Planned Parenthood.

Wolfe is also one of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders, a group of elite individuals placed into positions of power in order to enact the Great Reset agenda.

Watch Video:

Sadly, these deeply disturbing connections and revelations are only scratching the surface of the true level of corruption taking place.

Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
Watch Video:

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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