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Post by xotrevor »



Don’t count on the MSM to tell the truth: Woman Stuns French Media When She Tells Her Truth, The Opposite Of Big Media’s Ukraine Narrative.

The real inside report on the Nuclear Reactor in Ukraine that supposedly was being attacked by Russian forces was MSM lies and propaganda once again. The truth was that the Nuclear Reactor was under repair and a fire broke out. That’s why nothing happened and everything is contained.

U.S. official says no evidence Russians attacked nuclear reactors in Ukraine, Reuters reported citing MSNBC interview.

Russia doesn’t care about sanctions because they know a whole new monetary system was about to take effect.

Sanctions on Russia will only hurt the bottom line of the Big Corporations/ Businesses imposing the sanctions. Remember, as of Thurs. 3 March 2022 the Cabal was broke and could no longer support Big Corporations in their Crimes Against Humanity.

US Secretary of Energy says the United States “has activated its Nuclear Incident Response Team and is monitoring events.” This was after a Fox News segment that appeared to be a "False Flag: Nuclear Alert in Ukraine that was attempted but failed and never happened.

The Dems are Pro mask, pro Vax, pro Vax passports, pro BLM, pro abortion and pro Ukraine. Wonder why they try to cover up their Ukraine ties and corruption? They plan to send $60 Billion of tax payers money as aid to Ukraine now. This is just a way to do money laundering our tax payers dollars. What a scam again by Government and fake medias.

Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maiming:

With the support of the US, the first biological centre in Ukraine was opened on 15 June 2010 as part of the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa in the presence of US Ambassador John Tefft. The Odessa centre has been assigned a level allowing work with strains used in the development of biological weapons.


Putin has made a direct appeal to Ukraine’s armed forces. The Russian president had a message for Ukraine’s armed forces when he announced a “special military operation” in the Donbass – he told them:

He said... 'Take power into your own hands':

Putin's televised address, came a day after Moscow launched a large-scale military operation in Ukraine.

During the address, he told Ukraine's armed forces that it would be “easier for us" to agree with them than with “this gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis that has settled in Kyiv and taken hostage the entire Ukrainian people."

Newsweek and Politico reported that Putin has frequently repeated the baseless claims that the Ukrainian government is a "Nazi" or "fascist" regime.

According to the news outlets, Zelenskyy is Jewish.

Putin went on to praise Russian troops for acting "courageously, professionally, heroically, fulfilling their military duty successfully and solving the most important task of ensuring the security of our people and our fatherland."

Putin's speech comes after the Kremlin said Russia had agreed to send a delegation to Belarus to talk with Ukrainian officials.

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Operation Paperclip also known as Operation Overcast involved the smuggling of 12000 Nazi’s into the US, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Ukraine and Antarctica.

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

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