10/18/2021 - Intel Drop Update #1 (Trust the Plan - The Storm is Upon Us - We are at WAR)

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10/18/2021 - Intel Drop Update #1 (Trust the Plan - The Storm is Upon Us - We are at WAR)

Post by xotrevor »

Trust the Plan.

We are at WAR.
We are FIGHTING for LIFE and GOOD.
Not Everything Will Be Clean Cut.
Scare Events were Necessary.
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
Have FAITH – We are in control.
Patriots, You were Chosen for a Reason.
You are being provided the highest level of Intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the World. Use it to protect and comfort those around you.



The Storm is almost here. We soon would be in full Global Martial Law, and transitioning from Crown Maritime Law to the basics of Common Law of the original 1776 Constitution.

Make sure you have two to three weeks worth of necessities. The Military will also supply food and supplies when needed.

Thirty Days of Red Wave Mon. 11 Oct. to Thurs. 11 Nov.: Expect a Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests. Planes & Trains grounded. Lights/Power switched off while changing over to Tesla Free Energy.

WW3 Scare Event: 34 Satanic buildings & dams bombed. Bitcoin Servers turned off. 99.5% of Crypto gone. Nuke Sirens Water Event. Stock Market Crash. Global Martial Law. CASTLE ROCK – Scenario Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.

Three Day Event: Wed. 20 Oct. to Sat. 23 Oct.: Three Day Event worldwide Blackout. Should be a quick change over to TESLA Free Energy.

Ten Days of Darkness Sat. 23 Oct. to Mon. 1 Nov.: Disclosure through eight hours of movies broadcast in many languages in three time zones for 10 days. No Texts, Phone Calls or Internet while Operation Mockingbird was being wiped, [REBOOTED] & Project Odin Starlink Internet coming Online.

* Between now and Thurs. 11 Nov. expect a Market Crash, Blackouts, Revelations, a Military Takeover, Lockdown and Mass Arrests.

* White Hats were organizing hundreds of thousands veterans and discharged Military to prepare for war against the Cabal. The Military has been organized across the globe. Troops had been called up and were in place ready for action.

* On Sun. 17 Oct. the US Inc. defaulted on it’s debt and therefore the Cabal no longer owned the Federal Reserve, IRS and US taxpayer dollar, which was returned back to The People. This opened the door for a Global Currency Reset and return to gold-backed currencies for the 209 nations participating.

* Fox News Maria Bartiromo reported that Nancy Pelosi may step down soon.

* The World Doctor Alliance announced that COVID was a seasonal flue that was active from Dec. to April for which there was effective treatments. There was no need for lockdowns, masks or isolation. The group, representing hundreds of medical doctors across the globe, called for citizens to remove politicians who were taking away our freedom of speech and right to have control over our own health.

* After a vaccine injection scientists have discovered hatching eggs, parasites birthing and blood clotting that caused death. Some countries reported more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid.

* A newly uncovered Oct. 2019 video showed Anthony Fauci and other HHS officials discussing how a new virus from China could be used to enforce universal vaccination – vaccines now found to have living and growing ingredients that caused blood clots and other major causes of death. Some countries reported more deaths from vaccines than from Covid. On Sun. 17 Oct. the US Deputy Treasury Secretary admitted that supply chain problems would only end when everyone was vaccinated. https://www.rt.com/usa/537637-supply-ch ... ted-biden/ With protestors across the globecontinuing to fight vaccine mandates, one would wonder if the vaccines were part of the Illuminati plan to reduce the population.

* Cargo ships full of goods remained crowding the seas on both coasts, with frustrated sailors reporting, “They still do not allow ships to dock in order to raise prices for consumer goods and create the illusion of a crisis. The government is a criminal organization, a predatory mafia.”

Trust the Plan, the Military was the only way, Q: Eventually worldwide Military Coups will begin, but first: Martial law. The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots, food shortage, gas shortage, Vaccine mandates, forced lockdowns. Citizens of the World will rise against the Deep State Plandemic. The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries. In those days when people are under Martial Law the Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the Pandemic, Bank, pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested. ZERO HOUR + the FALL OF THE CABAL IN ALL COUNTRIES.

U.S. Costs of heating fuel, eggs, meat, fish, peanut butter and baby food were all skyrocketing.

Italy: Ports of Genoa and Trieste blocked all weekend as workers strike against Covid mandates, the working week resumes tomorrow, hopefully bosses cave and freedom wins.

US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue “until EVERYONE was jabbed.” Some sailors on ships that jammed both coasts waiting to unload claimed the holdup was deliberately perpetrated by the US government Biden Administration which wanted to up the cost of goods.

Italy is blocked from north to south.”Remember Solidarity: the protests of the Gdansk dockers led to the fall of the communist regime in Poland. Is history repeating itself? The regime of banker Mario Draghi, the neo-communist dictatorship of capitalist financiers, of which he is a worthy representative, is facing mass protests from the north to the south of the peninsula. The port of Trieste launched an attack on the Green Pass, the port of Ancona responded, in addition, it was joined by the ports of Liguria, including the great port of Genoa and others, such as Gioia Tauro and Civitavecchia at the gates of Rome: the blockade of ports, of course, causes failures in logistics, trucks can neither enter nor leave, nor load or unload. Dockers aren’t the only ones on the warpath. Powerful protests are also taking place in Turin near factories. Truck drivers, other employees, ordinary citizens and many students joined the demonstrations everywhere: in Florence, in Turin, in Milan in front of the courthouse, the university and the headquarters of the state TV channel RAI, in small towns and in the capital Rome at the Circus Maximus.” https://unser-mitteleuropa.com/italien- ... -bis-sued/

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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