Thank You God for the gifts You have given me!

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Thank You God for the gifts You have given me!

Post by xotrevor »

I am forever grateful that God has blessed me with the gifts of vision, clarity and peace during this tumultuous time on Earth.

To anybody paying attention over the past year, it should be fairly obvious by now that this is a breaking point for humanity.

Darkness cannot exist where there is light.

That light is spreading like wildfire across the planet. Evil is no longer able to hide. Satan no longer chooses to hide.

Our collective consciousness plays a powerful role in this fight. The constant negativity over Biden's decisions, liberal insanity and our current living conditions does NOTHING to positively impact our future. I post about these things quite often, but I do so for the sake of those who still haven't figured it out.

I am at peace knowing God is in control.

I understand that we have already won. I understand that nothing can stop what is coming. I understand that moves will be made when the time is right according to God and His plan.

I want to stress the importance of more people adopting this mindset.

I'm not asking you to blind yourself to the world.

I'm asking you to be POSITIVE and have FAITH.

I'm asking you to stand up, be bold, and have courage.

I'm asking you to trust God, trust His plan, and trust His timing.

I'm asking you to push UNITY instead of divisiveness.

I'm asking you to LOVE instead of hate.

WWG1WGA is NOT just a slogan. Its a way of life. Its the ONLY way forward.

Unity is the key to unlocking the door to a beautiful brave new world.

A world where humanity's most powerful weapon is love.

This giant rock that we call home is being reborn. I imagine this is a beautiful process to observe from 40,000 feet.

Every single person on this planet is currently learning a multitude of much needed lessons. Patience trust and faith in God being at the top of most people's list. These are necessary growing pains that you'll be grateful for in the long run.

If you've accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior or if you have become closer to God through this, you've already won.

Stand your ground. Fight for freedom. Let light guide you. Love harder than ever. Have faith.

Welcome to The Great Awakening.

God Bless You, God bless your family, and God bless America.


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