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Post by xotrevor »


This Show Has Fallen Apart! The Real War Is The NWO Oligarchs “Cult” Versus Humanity! America and the BRICS are in the way!


David Icke points out the same things we’ve been seeing in Ukraine and warns of why it is going down like the mess it is and what the traps are to avoid and not fall into. Some of those same things are wooden guns, fake missiles, old photos from other events, and scenes from video games that they had to take down or be sued, along with all their versions of the war parroted by fake news.

He points out the dangers that are coming and how to not fall into this planned event. Icke is speaking sound common sense and points out how to not fall prey to the deception. (I swear he read my blog on this….or …. we are both awake and where two people agree on a thing and have discerned it and not discussed it with each other…IT IS A TRUTH! Woo-Hoo!) He shows you how to do critical thinking by listing the inconsistencies and reasoning them through!


Will Putin release the information on how 911 was an inside job?

One of the turning points to push America to give up a chunk of her freedom was the attack on American soil in New York City where two planes flew into the trade center, one downed in a field and another ripped through the pentagon. And there was no defense response air from US Military whatsoever, just plenty of fake news coverage. The world watched and as we watched there were things we saw that the fake news quickly shoved under the rug. No one questioned that in any large scale. Those who did were attacked as traitors or other things.

Japan lost citizens at 911 and was never satisfied (they did not believe) President Bush’s report of the plane crashes and the stories explaining how the planes crashed into the buildings and people died. They did their own investigation with the information they could find, and their military advisors spoke in Parliament and shared their findings. Here are the videos of the Japanese experts discussing 911 and the plane crashes. You will be amazed at what they had to say. These videos were made a few years after 911 as they waited until the Bush administration gave them their report before they took this before parliament to determine what should be done.

Video Below: On 01/10/2008 members of the Japan Parliament were questioning the 911 Report

Japan Parliament on 9-11 (1/2008) Part. subs

Japan Parliament on 9-11

There are nations who will never join the Oligarch Cults, they will stand for sovereignty of nations! The beast is in a dilemma…nations are taking their crowns back! The biggest step to take is to see the truth, after that, the people of good heart will come together!

Gravitas: Why Asia is not interested in Russia-Ukraine war


The BRICS are a unity of nations that had been unfairly treated by the Economic and Finance Oligarchs of the NWO bunch. They joined together in support of one another and even formed a bank where they would loan money to their nations without having to abide by rules that determined how they would spend the monies loaned to them without restrictions and red tape. These nations have wealth. South Africa the smallest in the group’s economy had — about $387-billion in 2019, China — $15.5 trillion; India — $3.26-trillion; Brazil — $2.1-trillion; and Russia — $1.68-trillion. THE UNITED STATES AND ALL OF EUROPE TRADE AT THE BRICS STORE. THEY LIKE THE BRICS STORE! DO YOU SEE THIS YET?

So now you know the BRICS STORE.

And now we also see, most of the world nations outside the European Union and the Go Brandon crowd have decided this is not their war. So …. is this the way Schwab had it planned or was he and Go Brandon given a wedgy?

By Dianne Marshall
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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