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Post by xotrevor »


Many people do not realize it, but President Trump did not run for President in 2016 because he "wanted" to, he ran because he was asked by the high ranking military generals and the joint chief of staff all who were under the "leadership" and I use the term leadership loosely of Barack Hussein Obama because the military knew what was coming and the plans that (The Deep State / The Washington Establishment) had for the future of our nation. Then when the election came in 2016 if the Military would not have stepped in and stopped the election from being rigged Hillary would have won.

Why do you think she was so surprised when she did not win? And of course they "The Deep State" immediately launched an investigation and hired a special counsel Mueller to investigate election fraud which after a lengthy investigation he found absolutely nothing except that the military stepped in and stopped the election fraud from being rigged and playing a major role in the outcome of the 2016 election. But of course we never heard or seen any reports on that now did we? But in 2020 the military did not step in and stop the election fraud, President Trump told them to allow it to happen but to collect all the data and all the evidence via the NSA (wired and wireless communication and data) and via Space Force (communication and data via satellite).

Why do you think President Trump wrote the Executive order 13848 in 2018 regarding Election Interference from a foreign nation? And why do you think Durham was appointed as special counsel and is still special counsel even today? Because President Trump is doing exactly what they did to him, but they found no evidence, but the military has everything and I do mean everything. And then you have the election fraud reports from Peter Navarro, Sidney Powell, and DNI John Ratcliffe. (You can view the election fraud reports here: Not to mention what will be in the final report from Durham. Even before President Trump was elected, he knew that (The Deep State) would rig the 2020 election so that they could take back power. After all they have been rigging the elections for decades.

President Trump has been planning and preparing for the 2020 election to be rigged from day 1, and he was counting on them rigging it just like they did so that he could use all the evidence of election fraud to take them all down for good, not to mentioned all the other 200,000 + sealed indictments that are being unsealed. And President Trump also used the election to be able to step back and be out of the spot light for a while to see who was really for him and who was not so that he could really see the playing board and that is what we are seeing right now. And yet most people don't even realize or understand that we were literally one election (2016) away from our country being taken over by communist China, which would have resulted in all of us being controlled and told what to do and when to do it, and from our God given rights and freedoms as American Citizens being stripped away from us for good.

So we all really need to thank the high ranking military generals and the joint chief of staff for taking action and starting the process of saving our nation from these current tyrants in the Washington establishment who are trying to run our country in the ground for their own selfish and greedy gain. The great part is that it even though America might appear to be crumbling and falling apart on the surface, the deep state democrats are currently being allowed to destroy themselves from the inside out for all to see, but behind the scenes there is a powerful and mighty force that is fully in control and everything that is happening right now is happening according to God's plan and His time, and the final phase of His plan will be revealed when He says so.

The Great Awakening...

Just like a small snowball that starts at the top of the hill and as it rolls down a steep hill it gets bigger and bigger, and it gains momentum and nothing can stop it.

As more people wake up, as the truth comes out more, as more evil is exposed, as more corruption is exposed, as more election fraud is exposed, as more people stop shopping at stores that require us to wear a mask, and as more people stop buying products from stores who oppose election integrity laws, our nation will see who is truly in control and who truly has the power, and it's not the deep state, the corrupt politicians or the government, it's "We The People" there is power in numbers!



Here's 3 reasons for starters....

#1 If human trafficking atrocities were exposed under Trump, the leftards would then blame Trump for it, even though it's been happening for over a decade and Trump told us the same things as these 18 Senators just told us.


#2 With Biden's gun grab actions, states now have grounds to sue and secure their constitutional rights via LAWFARE actions like this one>

GREAT NEWS! Arizona bill passed Senate saying 'gun laws that infringe on AZ or US Constitutions WILL NOT BE ENFORCED!'

Furthermore, if any agent attempts to enforce unconstitutional gun laws, they can be sued for doing so!

AZ SB39 “Second Amendment Protection Act.”
"Senate Bill 1328, which passed the AZ Senate on Wednesday, not only forbids the enforcement of egregious federal controls but also opens up enforcing agents to the prospect of lawsuits."

and this one>

IMPORTANT CASE PENDING! 👀 Florida is suing the Biden Administration over their policy that releases CRIMINAL ALIENS back into the community.

Previously, when their prison sentence was about to end, the Federal Gov't would pick them up and ship them back to their own country. #Lawfare #IllegalAliens #SCOTUS


#3 Justice cannot be viewed as a political hit job, so if Justice comes while a Democrat is in the WH, how can the left dismiss it? (like they ALWAYS did when Trump was there) That explains why this information, we already knew, is finally coming into the Main Stream spotlight>
Meet the Russiagate Prober Who Couldn't Verify Anything in the Steele Dossier Yet Said Nothing for Years

Other topics to throw in... war, voter ID, covid passport agenda, election integrity.... all of which will wake up waves of brainwashed Democrat voters. Like it or not, we need more of them to wake up so we can revamp the government (The Plan) >>


I know we're all frustrted and irritated about a lot of things right now, but remember our ULTIMATE goal that Q posted 12 times!! Replacing our government's corrupt structure with a constitutional structure is what the entire "plan" is all about.

It all started on January 6th, 2021

#1776 #USA #Trump #Constitution #TrustThePlan #WeWillFight

Remember... this whole Biden Presidency is fake, it's part of the "movie" we are all watching>>

Ever since the Biden regime steppn the the movie set they have swiftly implementing EVERYTHING President Trump warned us he would do if he got in the White House….

Predictions from Trump’s campaign speeches>>

• Radical Cabinet Picks
• Joe won’t be making the decisions
• Eliminate Fracking
• Kill the Keystone Pipeline
• Get back in the Paris Accord
• Open up the Borders
• Change Election Laws (to allow theft)
• Money sent to Illegal Border Jumpers
• Extended CoronaFascism Measures
• Oil Prices Skyrocketing
• Tax Hikes on the Middle Class
• Coming for our guns

Am I leaving anything out? Do you really believe the speed of this radical agenda, following along President Trump's script, is organic? Cabal prefers to slow boil frogs in the milk, lest they rebel and jump out of the pot.

It’s also very odd that the "real" Slow-Joe did nothing much for 47 years, now he’s suddenly greased lightning? Moving even faster than President Trump did?

Yet zero time spent with any foreign dignitaries? Zero time spent meeting with domestic company CEO’s in DC? Zero time spent with any of our Military leaders? If masks work and Covid testing is standard WH procedure, then why no visitors? Especially since Biden refuses to release any Virtual Visitor logs.

Don't ever think that great things are not happening. We are living in one of the greatest times in the history of our nation. And we are all alive for such a time as this for such a purpose as this and not according to our plan or our time, but according to God's plan and His time. Never ever forget that.

My response to people who say nothing is happening, or people who think we are doomed, or that nothing will ever happen....

I say...

Trust God, His Plan, and His Timing, not yours. Remove all "your" expectations of how "you" think things should happen and when "you" think they should happened according to "your" plan, have faith, be patient, and hold the line, the best is yet to come!

God Bless You, God Bless Your family, and God Bless America!
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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