Writ of quo warranto: How the election can be corrected AFTER inauguration

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Writ of quo warranto: How the election can be corrected AFTER inauguration

Post by xotrevor »


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It's called a writ of quo warranto. Before I talk about that, let’s make something perfectly clear. For the past several weeks I’ve talked about the “MOAB”—the Mother Of All Bombshells—as being the way for a miracle to manifest and finally force mainstream media, Big Tech, Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and the judiciary to pay full attention to the voter fraud that stole the election on behalf of Joe Biden. In retrospect, I was too limiting in how I described God’s sovereignty. If He wills that President Trump is to win, who am I to declare how I believe it will come about?

A writ of quo warranto isn’t necessarily a MOAB because it doesn’t require a new piece of bombshell evidence. It takes the accumulated bombshells, affidavits, videos, and other pieces of evidence and consolidates them into one legal case. There are a few things that make this play completely different from what Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and others have attempted through our corrupt judiciary. With a writ of quo warranto, the clock starts AFTER inauguration because it challenges a sitting government official’s authority to be in office based on actions, such as voter fraud, that aided in that situation.

who I admittedly know very little about, has been talking about this maneuver for a month. On his site, he has been calling on President Trump and his team to prepare to file this writ. He has also laid out the groundwork on which they can challenge the election and “show the receipts,” as he declared on his latest post:


See my previous reports for case law and analysis of the federal quo warranto statute. The bottom line is that SCOTUS has held that an election of any United States official can be challenged based on fraud or error by a writ of quo warranto. And the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that the proper venue to challenge the election of a sitting President is the D.C. District Court. We have a statute. We have a venue. Bring the receipts, President Trump.

If you don’t bring the receipts by quo warranto, then you will have quit. It’s all in or all out. There’s no other options left. This must be done. You have to give the proper law in the proper venue a chance. If you quit now, it will be broadcast as an admission that there was no fraud, error, or lawlessness by election officials.

As soon as Biden is sworn in, you can file the complaint. The gaslighting of America will only end by counter-punching with a verified complaint showing all of the evidence. Then comes a jury trial.

Furthermore, because of the widespread persecution of politicians who supported an investigation of the election, such as Georgia State Senators Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, alternative standing as interested persons under the quo warranto statute has been created for them to bring quo warranto actions too.

Beach and Jones were both stripped of their committee chairs. Therefore, they now have standing to petition the D.C. District Court to try the case before a jury, because that is the only way they can now prove their innocence and justification.

Simply put, the anti-MAGA conspirators have overplayed their hand in persecuting stop the steal politicians and patriotic citizens. In doing so, they caused very real injuries that need adjudication. These parties now have an interest in quo warranto which is unique and particular to them as opposed to the general public at large. Such particular injuries create unique standing.

Nobody right now is talking about quo warranto other than at this blog. That will change soon. We are a nation of laws. And we have an established means of testing elections. Those means, laws, cases, etc. have existed from the very start of our nation.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve held back on talking about the majority of theories, strategies, and observations that have come my way. It’s not because I ignored them, but most simply didn’t pass the “smell test” of credibility and likelihood. What Donofrio is proposing does pass this smell test. That’s not to say I consider it likely, and I hate to be perceived as a peddler of false hope, but the potential here is actually higher than any of the lawsuits I discussed prior. Those seemed doomed to fail. A writ of quo warranto is as close to ironclad as we’ve seen presented.

It’s conspicuous that practically nobody has talked about this play. A writ of quo warranto appears to have all of the legs necessary for President Trump and his supporters to be vindicated. Will his team act on this? Are they quietly acting on it already?

Kudos to “Linda” for bringing this to my attention.

Watch Video on "Writ of Quo Warranto"
Trevor Winchell
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Re: Writ of quo warranto: How the election can be corrected AFTER inauguration

Post by mems1940 »

If no other court would touch it why would the 9th do so? I always thought it was one of the most crooked courts around? Also it is in the swamp. Did Trump by any chance add his people to this court? I do not remember. I hope it will work but I do not think anything short of Military or the people rising up will save us. Anyone has any ideas about this?
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Re: Writ of quo warranto: How the election can be corrected AFTER inauguration

Post by xotrevor »

mems1940 wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:52 am If no other court would touch it why would the 9th do so? I always thought it was one of the most crooked courts around? Also it is in the swamp. Did Trump by any chance add his people to this court? I do not remember. I hope it will work but I do not think anything short of Military or the people rising up will save us. Anyone has any ideas about this?
Now that The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has rejected to hear any of the election fraud cases for a second time it opens up the door for these cases to be appealed up to the Military tribunal courts now. Unlike the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS), the officers and judges of the Military tribunal courts took an oath to defend the United States Constitution and not a particular party.
Trevor Winchell
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Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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