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Post by xotrevor »

The USA Trucker route happening next week LA to Washington DC. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1116404 ... ?ref=share https://t.me/TruckersForFreedomGlobal

CALL TO ACTION! The truckers in America are supposed to leave California and head to DC in protest. I’m calling for all the truckers to STAY IN CALIFORNIA and SHUT DOWN the SUPER BOWL in doing this you will save a lot of lives and we can stop the major trafficking event through the year. Stand up to the elite and globalist. You know how much money they make selling these babies, children and women during the super bowl?? SHUT THAT DOWN FIRST! How many celebrities are performing at the half time show, how much have the athletes and their owners pushed for us to get the Jab??? Shut it down!! #truckersshutdownsuperbowl #truckersstandup #truckerssaynotohumantrafficking #truckersagainsttrafficking

US-Canadian Border Blocked: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and tactical units are deployed at the Coutts border between the US and Canada, as hundreds of truckers block the border for three days. Almost all truckers at the border decided that they were not going to leave. One of them says: “I will leave only with the police.”At some point, the protesters decided to pray, as they were completely surrounded by the Canadian government. Later, truckers temporarily opened one lane for locals and truckers who want to leave. The Coutts border remains blocked. Tactical units are deployed, but they may not have enough resources to influence the situation.

Tues. evening 1 Feb: Heavily-armed RCMP officers advanced on the 500 or so truckers who are blockading the Alberta-Montana border in the town of Coutts, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns. It was a stand-off. First the truckers sang O Canada. And then they chanted “freedom!” All while the black-clad police stared at them. And then the truckers advanced. What could the police do? Try to arrest them all? Shoot them? In the end, the police turned — and retreated. Click here, to watch the exclusive footage, filmed by our reporters Syd and K2, the only reporters on the scene:

Calgary, Canada. The impressive scale of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa inspired people to mass solidarity protests across the country.

Australia: Protests in Canberra, the capital of Australia, continue. People are still standing outside the parliament building, demanding the abolition of covid restrictions and vaccination mandates. There are many nurses, truckers, firefighters, and army veterans among the protesters.

On the ground in Ottawa: “Things are still going strong in Ottawa. The politicians are lying their faces off to the world on TV. – It’s very clean here. No litter on the ground. Everyone is super tidy, almost as if they respect their own country. –

There’s a ton of free food. Even the homeless are talking about it, telling each other where to go if they want burgers. Haha. I’ve been offered food and coffee half a dozen times today by strangers. – the truckers are settled in for the long haul and they’re getting tons of support from IRL locals. Only Internet chickens and tv people say bad things. Everyone else is happy to have them here.”

It seems that the cops in Ottawa are treating the truckers as friends. They were videoed bringing boxes of hot food to the truckers.

Source: Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset (GCR) as of February 2, 2022
Trevor Winchell
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