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Independent journalism is thriving, the fake news is dying...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:03 am
by xotrevor
In recent years, the rise of independent journalism has taken the media industry by storm. With the advent of social media platforms, online blogs, and podcasting, anyone with a laptop, an internet connection and a microphone can become a journalist and publish their work. Meanwhile, the traditional legacy mainstream media has been struggling to keep up with changing times, leading some to speculate that it is dying out.

The first reason for the rise of independent journalism is the democratization of technology. In the past, only a few large media companies had the resources to produce high-quality news content. However, with the advent of cheap and accessible technology, anyone can start a blog or create a podcast from their own home. Social media platforms have also made it easier for independent journalists to share their work with a large audience. As a result, there is now a wealth of independent journalism available online, covering topics and perspectives that may not have been covered by traditional news outlets.

Another reason for the rise of independent journalism is the decline of trust in traditional news sources. In recent years, there have been numerous instances of mainstream media outlets publishing inaccurate or biased stories. This has led to a loss of trust among the public, who are increasingly turning to independent sources for their news. Independent journalists are often seen as more trustworthy because they are not beholden to corporate interests or political agendas. They are also more likely to be transparent about their sources and methods, which can help to build trust with their audience.

In contrast, traditional mainstream media outlets are often criticized for their lack of transparency and bias. Many media outlets are owned by large corporations with their own interests and agenda's, and their coverage is often influenced by these interests and agenda's. This has led to accusations of bias and a lack of objectivity. Independent journalists, on the other hand, are often seen as more objective because they do not have the same conflicts of interest.

Another factor contributing to the decline of traditional media is the rise of alternative social media. Social media platforms like Truth Social, Gab, Gettr, American Patriot Social and others have become increasingly important sources of news for many people. Independent journalists can play an important role in countering this trend by providing accurate and reliable information to their followers through alternative social media.

Another important reason for the rise of independent journalism and the decline of trust in traditional news sources is because of Operation Mockingbird.

Operation Mockingbird was a clandestine program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s through the 1970s with the aim of manipulating media outlets and journalists to disseminate propaganda and influence public opinion both domestically and abroad. While the exact impact of Operation Mockingbird on the decline of legacy mainstream media news is debated, there are a few ways in which it may have contributed:

Loss of public trust: Operation Mockingbird eroded public trust in mainstream media by creating the perception that the news was being manipulated by the government. This, in turn, could have led to a decline in viewership and readership of mainstream news outlets.

Shift to alternative sources: The distrust created by Operation Mockingbird may have driven some people to seek out alternative news sources, such as independent media outlets or social media. This shift away from traditional news sources may have contributed to the decline of legacy mainstream media news.

Lack of diversity of viewpoints: Operation Mockingbird may have contributed to a lack of diversity of viewpoints in mainstream media, as journalists and news outlets may have been incentivized to promote a particular narrative or agenda. This lack of diversity could have alienated some viewers and readers, leading to a decline in viewership and readership.

It's important to note that the decline of legacy mainstream media news is a complex issue with many factors at play, and the impact of Operation Mockingbird is just one of them. Other factors include the rise of the internet and social media, changes in media consumption habits, and the increasing polarization of society.

It is widely believed that Operation Mockingbird was launched in response to the Cold War, as the CIA sought to counter Soviet propaganda and gain a strategic advantage in the global information war. The program involved recruiting journalists, editors, and other media professionals to plant stories, shape narratives, and disseminate disinformation in the mainstream media. According to former CIA agent Philip Agee, who became a whistleblower in the 1970s, "Mockingbird was the CIA's program to infiltrate the media and spread disinformation and propaganda to support its covert operations around the world." Agee claimed that the program had been highly successful in shaping public opinion and influencing political outcomes in countries ranging from Iran to Chile.

Although the CIA officially ended Operation Mockingbird in the 1970s, many critics argue that its influence still persists in the mainstream media today. One of the key ways in which this legacy is evident is through the ownership and control of major media outlets by corporations and individuals with close ties to the military-industrial complex. For example, many of the largest media conglomerates in the United States, including NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox, are owned by companies with close links to the defense industry. This raises concerns about the potential for conflicts of interest and the possibility that news coverage may be influenced by the interests of the military-industrial complex.

Another way in which the legacy of Operation Mockingbird is evident in the mainstream media today is through the prevalence of propaganda and disinformation, particularly in the context of foreign policy and national security issues. For example, the media's uncritical coverage of the Iraq War in 2003 has been widely criticized for its role in promoting false narratives and justifying the invasion. Moreover, the mainstream media's coverage of issues such as the war on terror, Iran's nuclear program, and the conflict in Syria has been characterized by a reliance on government sources and a lack of critical scrutiny. This has led many observers to question the independence and objectivity of the media in reporting on issues of national security and foreign policy.

There is growing concern that the legacy of Operation Mockingbird is perpetuated through the use of technology to manipulate public opinion and spread disinformation. The rise of social media platforms has made it easier than ever for governments and other actors to spread propaganda and shape public opinion, often using bots and other automated tools to amplify their message.

In addition to some of the topics that Tucker talked about that are not reported on the FAKE NEWS are:

• The true origins of covid.
• The truth about the "covid" vaccine, the side effects and the ingredients.
• The truth about how masks do not work.
• The truth about how the lockdowns impacted American lives and the economy.
• The terrible policies that Biden is putting in place
• The truth about the southern border.
• Voter integrity and the truth about voting machines, voting software and the true outcome of the elections.
• All the trillions of dollars that's being sent to Ukraine.
• The Twitter files.
• The Hunter Biden laptop and the connection to Joe Biden regarding the business dealings in Ukraine.
• The spy balloon that was allowed to fly over our country.
• The truth about CRT, SEL, and the communistic agenda being pushed in our schools and talk to our children.

These are just some of the topics that we don't hear a single word about on the fake news. These are topics that actually have an effect on all of our lives every single day but strangely enough we don't ever hear nothing about this and the fake news.

For the simple fact that none of these fake news outlets were reporting the truth about the topics that really matter the ones that really have an impact on the lives of Americans shows you just how corrupt and controlled they are.

Fake news places like, CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox and and even the New York times, and the rest.

This is exactly why the fake news is dying and will continue to die because they have been controlled for many years by Operation Mockingbird which is a long time CIA operation to control and manipulate what people think regarding public opinion. This is also the reason why independent journalists are growing and will continue to grow and even thrive for many years to come because they are not controlled and they are not being told what to say and what they can't say they are actually reporting on the truth. As I have said before you won't get the truth and the real story on the fake news you will only get the truth from these independent journalists who are speaking the truth.

And what I posted about the other day regarding social media sites will be the avenue in West the truth is delivered by these independent journalists alliance with what Tucker said about social media. These social media platforms will become the primary method of how the truth is shared by these independent journalists out to the world. When you think about places like Twitter being owned by Elon musk and no longer restricted, the truth can be shared with millions of people in an instant. And then there's Truth social, gab, gettr, American Patriot social and some others.

On American Patriot social for example, we share a long list of independent journalists and Truth tellers who are speaking the truth based on the facts they report on the topics that are crucial that the American people need to know, these are the topics that are in will continue to impact the American people for years to come. These independent journalists, are the news now they will continue the grow and thrive in the months and years to come and the fake news will eventually completely die off. This is why the phrase we are the news now is important to no one understand because we the people truly are the news now. These independent journalists are the only ones who are truly speaking the truth and they have been for a few years now and they will continue to speak the truth as time goes on.

In closing, the truth of the matter is that the covid plandemic and everyhting we have seen and experienced since early 2020 has exposed the fake news for what they are, while independent journalism was put out in the limelight for people to get the real truth based on the facts.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social