Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »


For a long while, I have refused to argue, or convince others who disagree with the truth that I share as a result of my own deep and thorough research. I just share the truth based on my research and if people agree with it, great and if they don't, that is their choice. It's important to note that arguing, or trying to convince others who disagree, is not the same as healthy debates or constructive dialogue.

It's important to share knowledge and information that you have gained through research, but it's also important to recognize that not everyone will agree with you or accept your perspective. It's important to remember that people come from different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs, and this can influence their interpretation of information. While it's great to share the truth based on your research, it's also important to be open to hearing other perspectives and engaging in constructive dialogue. Engaging in healthy debates can help broaden your understanding and even lead to new insights and discoveries. Ultimately, it's up to individuals to make their own decisions and form their own opinions based on the information presented to them. It's not necessary to convince everyone to agree with you, but it's important to continue sharing knowledge and promoting healthy discussions.

It is always my hope that what I share will inspire and encourage others to do their own research, so they can also know the truth. The biggest problem I see is people who are quick to tell me that I am spreading lies and gossip or "misinformation", when they have not taken even a second of their time to do any research at all. They base their point of view based on what they have been told or what others are saying.

It can be frustrating when people dismiss your research without taking the time to examine the evidence and do their own research. Unfortunately, this is a common phenomenon in our modern age of information overload, where people can easily access a vast array of opinions and perspectives without necessarily taking the time to verify the accuracy of the information they receive. In such cases, it can be helpful to continue sharing your research and evidence, but also to remain patient and respectful of others' views. It may be worth engaging in a constructive dialogue with those who disagree with you, but it's important to do so in a way that is respectful and seeks to understand their perspective as well. It's also important to remember that people may have different motivations and biases that influence their perception of the truth. It's important to remain objective and open-minded in your research and presentation of information, while also being aware of your own potential biases.

In the end, promoting critical thinking and encouraging others to do their own research can help promote a more informed and educated society.


A Prayer for seeking the truth.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today, asking for your divine guidance and wisdom to reveal the truth to those who are lost and confused. Lord, we live in a world filled with uncertainties, where people are searching for answers and struggling to understand the truth. It can be a challenging and confusing time, and we need your help to see through the darkness and find the light of truth.

Father, I pray that you would guide us all towards a deeper understanding of your truth. Help us to see the world around us clearly and to recognize the perspectives of others. Give us the courage to seek the truth, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. Help us to overcome our biases and preconceptions, and to approach our search for truth with an open mind and a humble heart.

Lord, I pray that you would help those who are struggling to find the truth to have the courage to seek it out. I pray that you would lead them towards reliable sources of information and trustworthy guides who can help them on their journey.

I pray that you would grant them the discernment to recognize the difference between truth and falsehood, and the wisdom to choose the right path. Lord, please help them to understand that your truth is the only truth that can set us free.

Father, I pray that you would be with those who are struggling to find the truth, comforting them in their struggles and helping them to persevere. Please guide them towards a deeper understanding of your love and grace, and help them to find peace in your presence.

Thank you, Lord, for your infinite wisdom and compassion, and for being with us on this journey of discovery. We trust in you, and we know that you will lead us towards the truth.

In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social

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Trevor Winchell
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Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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