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The Deep State and Corrupt Politicians in Washington

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:07 pm
by xotrevor
For decades corrupt politicians in Washington and every president of our modern time except Reagan and JFK have been allowed to push forward with their dark, evil and corrupt agenda according to an act that was passed by congress in 1871 without restriction, and it is the main reason we are in the mess we are in as a nation today. This act known as the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 that was passed by the 41st congress was not in the best interest of We The people, and they knew it, but that did not stop them.

They utilized this act to not only re-write our original constitution to suit their own dark and evil needs, but they also utilized this act to create an entirely new government according to this act and the rewritten constitution. It's called the UNITED STATES INC. It's in fact a corporation, and it has NOTHING to do with the Sovereign Republic of 1776 nor the best interest of We The People. Along with this act they also utilized the 14th Amendment to make us all US Citizens meaning that ever since this act was passed in 1871, we all have to adhere to the laws that they have passed in accordance to the re-written constitution that they are using.

You can not be a US Citizen and a Sovereign American at the same time. Sovereign Americans, the American people before 1871, lived according to the original constitution that was written by our Founding Fathers in 1787. This is how they have gotten away with their dark and evil agenda for so long because most of us had no clue that we were even operation under the laws of the corrupt corporation known as the UNITED STATES INC. in according to the laws that are upheld by the fake re-written Constitution that was put in place of the original Constitution.

And also out of this Act of 1871 came the corrupt Federal Reserve, which has been used ever since 1913 to funnel billions and now even trillions to the deep state's evil and corrupt agenda. For years, the deep state tried to get the Federal Reserve up and running, but they continued to get pushback from several wealthy people who had more money than they did who were not on board with their dark and evil agenda. That all changed in 1912 when the Titanic sank with every single wealthy person who was against the deep state and the internation bankers on board. And none of these wealthy people on board the Titanic happen to make it to a lifeboat. Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve became a reality, and the deep state pressed forward with their agenda at full speed. Things were going good for the deep state until JFK decided to sign an executive order 11110 on June 4, 1963 to have the United States Treasury to print silver backed currency. As the United States Treasury was printing the silver backed currency and putting it into circulation, the deep state realized that eventually this would cause the Federal Reserve Note to be worthless because it was paper money, and it wasn't backed by anything. And they knew that eventually this would cause the Federal Reserve to go out of business. We all know what happened to JFK on that fateful afternoon of November 22, 1963. As a result of the assassination of JFK, Lyndon B. Johnson stepped in as president. On July 23, 1965, President Johnson approved the Coinage Act of 1965, which removed silver from circulating coins and authorized that clad coins be used for the half dollar, quarter, and dime. So the Federal Reserve was back in business without any hindrances, and the deep state continues on with their agenda even to this current day.

As I mentioned, most of us had no clue that we were even operation under the laws of the corrupt corporation ever since 1871 according to a fake re-written Constitution, but one man did, and he made a brave and courageous choice to step up and make a difference that would literally save our country and restore our Sovereign republic of 1776 and the original Constitution back to its original condition. His name is Donald J. Trump, and when he announced that he was running for president in 2015, the deep state never thought he would win in 2016 and when he did win, they instantly started to panic like never before because they knew what he was going to do, he was going to fully restore our Sovereign Republic of 1776 and the original Constitution back to its original condition. And they also know that would mean the end of their corrupt agenda, their control, and their million dollar money laundering schemes. They knew President Trump was going to drain their deep state swamp for good. And they also knew that as the President, he would be able to see everything they did for decades to prepare for the plan to destroy America for good. And President Trump declassed every single document that will be solid proof of all the crimes the corrupt politicians committed against the American people, and these documents will be released when the time is right. And in fact it's one of the main reason for the Mar-a-Lago raid because they don't know everything that Trump has, and they are panicking over it.

During President Trump's first 4 years as President, he put many things in motion to not only drain the deep state swamp, but to also fully restore our Sovereign Republic of 1776 and the original Constitution back to its original condition. If you look at the executive orders he signed and if you look at the 1776 commission report that he released 3 days before the end of his first term, you can clearly see that he is, in fact, restoring our Sovereign republic of 1776.

But in order for President Trump to fully drain the deep state swamp and in order for him to fully restore our Sovereign republic of 1776 and the original Constitution, he needed to have the vast majority of Americans to know the truth about what has been taking place in our nation for decades. That's exactly why the 2020 election was allowed to happen like it did. This was a part of the plan to allow people to see the true actions of the deep state and their corrupt and evil agenda. This is one of many reasons why Space Force was created by President Trump in 2019. He utilized Space Force to capture every last packet of data (PCAPS) from the 2020 election and even from the 2022 election. Space Force also captured every data packet from the satellites during the 2020 election and even the 2022 election. This is why President Trump has stated many times that we caught them all we have it all, because they do and when the time is right all the data they collected from the 2020 and the 2022 election will be released for the public to see.

So these last 2+ years had to happen according to the plan so that the vast majority of people could see the evil and corruption first-hand so that they would wake up. President Trump knew that the plan would not work if the majority of people were still sleeping, so he came up with this plan to wake people up so that he could restore our Sovereign republic of 1776 and the original Constitution, and the plan is working just as it was intended to work.

As I have said before, we are winning this information war, the deep state swamp is being drained, and their dark and evil agenda is being dismantled once piece at a time for the entire world to see.

Once you are awake to the truth, you can never again fall back asleep...

Nothing can stop what is coming, and the best is yet to come.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social