Voting these days is very simple.

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Voting these days is very simple.

Post by xotrevor »

Voting these days is very simple.

If you choose to rise above the Democrat/Republican Party divide and look at the issues that are important and matter the most through the lens of your faith as a Christian and as a patriot, voting is very simple.

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you want to live your life freely?

Do you want to be able to speak freely?

Do you want to be able to gather and assemble freely?

Do you want to be able to express your faith freely?

Do you want to be able to carry your weapon freely?

Do you want to be able to afford food for your family?

Do you want to be able to afford to heat and power your home?

Do you want to be able to afford gas for your car?

Do you want to be able to go about your life freely without the government telling you how to live your life?

Do you want to be able to make medical decisions for you and your family freely without the government stepping in?

Do you want a safe and secure border so violent criminals, drug cartels and sex traffickers/offenders can't enter into America so that the city you live in can be safe for your family?

Do you want to be able to earn an income freely without the government requiring taxes on the income you make?

Do you want to be able to run your business freely without the government stepping in?

Do you want an economy that is thriving, with low inflation, low unemployment rates and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is good?

Do you want global trade to be fair for the American people, meaning that the imports we receive are equal to the exports we send out so that other countries are not getting wealthy from American taxpayers?

Do you want less government and more control in the hands of We The People making the decisions on how our country is run?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you know who to vote for...


We have a lot of work to do to take our country back.

We have to do all of the following:

1. Remove all the machines out of every county in every state across our great land.

2. Remove all the mail-in ballot boxes and remove mail-in ballots from being used.

3. Make sure that we have strict election integrity laws in place in all 50 states. This includes voter ID, paper ballots only, hand counting only and one day voting.

4. Vote out all the people who were either "installed" or the people who do not put the American people first.

5. Elect true Christian patriots who lead by example, people who have a character of trust, honesty, and integrity, and people who walk the walk and not just talk the talk, meaning that their actions match their words.
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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