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Biblical Psychology

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:51 pm
by xotrevor
Elohim also just spoke to me regarding Biblical Psychology,

He said there is a reason I spoke to you this morning the words "Biblical Psychology".

He said I wanted you to look up your books on Biblical Psychology so that you could read them and remember all that you learned when you took Biblical Psychology classes.

He said that we are living in a time where millions of people are thinking and acting based on false agenda and a false set of narratives that have been portrayed by the media, Mockingbird CIA to brainwash, manipulate, mislead, deceive and control people's thoughts which will result in what they think, how they act, how they respond and what they do.

Elohim also gave me an analogy...

He said, think about a vast wide open ocean, hundreds of thousand of miles of wide open ocean...

He said, and think about millions and millions of boats just floating in the ocean with no anchor, no direction, no compass, and no real purpose. He said these boats are millions and millions of people in the world today.

He said... These boats are just drifting along with the current while these people are inside sleeping. They have no idea where they are at, they have no idea where they are going, they have no idea what they are on this planet for, they have no idea what their purpose is.

He said... These boats are crashing into each other (conflicts) some of the boats are damaging other boats, (People injuring other people) physically, mentally, and emotionally. Some of these boats are getting damaged so bad they are sinking, and the people are drowning because they are so sound asleep that before they realize they are drowning they are already too far under the water.

He said, until these people wake up, until these people find and anchor, these boats (people) will continue to drift along with the current. They will continue to crash into each other and the damage will continue and millions will continue to drown.

But Elohim said, this is where your mission field is. He said this is why you took classed on Biblical Psychology, He said because you obeyed my call even back then to learn what you learned so that you could be equipped to help those who are struggling in our world today.

He said, do you really think that I did not know we would be facing all that we are facing today?

He said, do you really think that I did not know that He could use me to help people today?

He said, look at all I have given you to write over the last 5-7 years.

He said, look at all the things I have done in your life to prepare you and equip you for such a time as this.

It is no mistake that we are here in this time to be used by Elohim to do His work to help others wake up and be alert and aware of what is really going on.

Trevor Winchell