True Leaders are the "remnant"

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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True Leaders are the "remnant"

Post by xotrevor »

The "remnant" of Christians and people who call themselves leaders is actually much smaller here in our state than I originally thought. People who I believed were leaders, are proving to be otherwise based on their actions. True leadership is a characteristic that is displayed by one's actions, not by their words. True leadership is someone that leads by example and does what they say they are going to do, and they don't expect anyone else to do something that they are not willing to do themselves. True leaders do not have to tell people that they're a leader or how much leadership training they've had, or how much leadership experience they have. Their leadership can be seen in their actions and how they react and respond to difficult situations and circumstances. Just as a lion doesn't have to tell anyone that he is a lion. A leader does not have to tell or prove to anyone they are a leader. A true leader does not lack communication, responsibility, accountability or integrity. A true leader will cause growth in the lives of others, true leaders will lift people up and motivate them, and they will inspire and encourage others in a positive way based on their actions and not their words. A person who is a true leader, their actions will resemble a character of humility not a character of pride. A person who is a true leader, their actions will resemble a character of freedom, not a character of control. A true leader will put the needs of others before their own needs, and a true leader works to benefit others and not themselves.

True leaders do not follow the ways of the world, true leaders follow the ways of Christ and the examples He set for us. True leaders do not work for the expectations of others, true leaders works towards the expectation of Christ. True leaders fully trust God, and true leaders rely on God and their strength, wisdom, guidance and, direction comes directly from God, and not from things in the world. There is a vast difference between a leader whose is leading according to God, their foundation is of God and a leader whose is leading according to the world, their foundation is of the world. A leader whose foundation is of the world "sand" you hear their words more than you see their actions. But a leader whose foundation is of God "rock" you see their actions much more than you hear their words.

Trevor Winchell

Wrote by Lolou Roseberry on 4/11/2022:

What you wrote in this post is A Precious Feast "meat" for any Leader aspiring to do good for humanity and this world, no matter how big or small the role is of leadership. I immediately am drawn to the church "corporation" as a perfect example, as I can relate well to it. People who have a God complex (ego), will face hardships ahead if they don't wake up from the "spell" and see with their eyes wide open what is happening as they submitted themselves to the worldwide system to "make rank". or as we call it "Climb the corporate ladder" for an extra buck in their pocket. They may think they are walking out a what they believe is the "right and just thing to do" although sadly it is not "right and just" in any way because they serve the world and when we shine a magnifying glass on this type of leader, they rarely have "time" to listen to the person who they have in front of them. Most of such leaders have left their heart straight out of the equation, and they may say they seek God for answers and guidance, but sadly their actions speak a much louder language and people who know the difference can see right through it. There is nothing honorable about self-promotion, there isn't now, there never will be. That is not the way anyone of us should aspire to live. That road leads to a dead end every single time. The Remnant Leaders indeed don't have to tell them they are remnant leaders, they just do what they do, and they silently know that they are and even some don't know they are because all that matters to them is that they serve from a sincere, honest and loving place in all the work they do to help others. Remnant leaders may be reminded by others that they are indeed Remnants, and it is at this time you discover the heart of Jesus Christ within them. It is very clear to see and know them by their fruits as well. Do they naturally have people following them, and there is a joy and love that shines through their work? Indeed, you will see how contagious it is and it actually "spills over" to the ones that are around them as the life and light within is clear to see although some that come in contact with such leaders may not be able to pinpoint what it is about them, they just know they feel very good to be around them and are inspired to do better for themselves, that may take a while, and it is a "silent work of the inner being of the person" so as this is happening, no one from the outside will see this transformation taking place and that is to me a beautiful sign of a True leader and this is a leader that we desperately need in this world we live today so wherever you are - God Bless You, I pray for you all. I pray for both the World Aspiring Leaders and The God First Aspiring leaders that God will plant seeds however they may fall. I pray that in each one of these people reading this post, there will be a well that springs forth within each person and the ones who are ladened with Pride sadly will have to face this consequence at one point or another and deal with it as there is no way to run from it and I pray for them that they will actually see this before it's too late for them. In God We Trust

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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