Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »

I was up all night wide awake in bed from 11pm until about 6am this morning while God was speaking to me. It was one of the most clear, precise and profound conversations I have ever had with God. He spoke to me about many things, He confirmed many things to me, and He also told me that there is a lot that needs to happen before things start to move forward in our state and our nation.

He said these are some things that must change before we will see change in our nation:

#1 He said, A lot more people need to accept His Son Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!
#2 He said, A lot more people need to get right with Him.
#3 He said, A lot more people need to get on their knees and pray.
#4 He said, A lot more people need to start listening to Him and obeying Him.
#5 He said, A lot of people need to get out of their comfy zones.
#6 He said, A lot more people need to live their lives according to His plan and not their own plan.
#7 He said, A lot more people need to have a Godly mindset and perspective, and not a worldly mindset and perspective.
#8 He said, A lot more people need to look at everything in their lives through the clean and pure lens of their faith and not the dark and distorted lens of the world.

He said it's going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better. He said the only way people are going to wake up and get it is when it literally starts to affect every single aspect of their lives to the point that they can no longer handle it. He said we are not there yet, not even close. He said the people that have good jobs who are able to pay their bills and those who are content with where their life is and don't want to interrupt their "current" comfy life are the ones who need to wake up and look at things that are bigger than themselves. He said we have far too many people who are focused on all the wrong things.

He said far too many people are not listening to Him, far too many people are not obeying Him, far too many people are not doing His will, far too many people are not trusting Him, far too many people are not fully relying on Him, and far too many people are looking at everything that is currently going on from a worldly perspective when they ought to be looking at everything from a Godly perspective through the lens of their faith. He said far too many people are too concerned with why things are not happening, or why things are not happening fast enough according to "their" plan, or why this is being allowed to happen or why that is being allowed to happen. He said far too many people are looking at way too many things with the wrong mindset and perspective. He said far as long as this continues things will not happen.

He said in this nation, things will need to get so bad that the people who are not yet awake and aware will have no other choice but to seek God, pray to Him, rely on Him and trust Him wholeheartedly. He said don't focus on times and dates, He said don't focus on events or certain people. He said things are going to take a lot longer than people will like, and He said things are not going to turn around anytime soon. He said the fact of the matter is that more people need to humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, then and only then will He hear from heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land. And He said it WILL NOT happen until enough people are willing to humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face.

So if you are fed up with what is going on, if you are tired of seeing what is going on, if you are ready for some real change, you know what you need to do. Get on your knees, get out of your comfy life and get involved. This is going to take everyone, not just a certain amount of people. Before we will see change, it's going to take 70%-80% of all people from all political stripes. No matter the color of your skin, your ethnic background, or your political party affiliation. The longer people take to wake up the longer before we will see God move, it's just the way it is whether you like it or not.


Are YOU awake?

YOU are NOT awake and YOU are still sleeping if:

YOU are still wondering why things are happening the way they are.

YOU think that things are not happening quick enough.

YOU think that things are taking too long.

YOU are wondering why President Trump is pushing the "vaccine".

YOU think the results of the 2020 election were legitimate.

YOU think Joe Biden is the legal and legitimate President of the United States

YOU think that "Covid" aka the "China Virus" is much more deadly than the season flu.

YOU think that more people are dying from "Covid" aka the "China Virus" than the "vaccine".

YOU think the "Vaccine" aka the "BIOWEAPON" has been tested, is safe, and effective against the "China Virus".  

YOU are wondering why the things that have taken place over the last 14 to 16 months have been allowed.

If YOU are wondering about any of the things above, it's a sure sign that YOU are still partially or completely sleeping, and you have been deceived, and you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the mainstream media, and most of these events that took place were for YOU to wake up!

And at this point if you are still sitting around and waiting for President Trump to save the world, or you are waiting for everyone else to do something and as a result you have not stood up and done anything yet to make a difference in your community to help change things for the better, then you are allowing yourself to be a part of the problem.

Instead of wondering why things are not happening fast enough, why is this being allowed, why is that being allowed, start putting your trust in God, His plan, and in His time, and not your own!

It's time that YOU WAKE UP and do SOMETHING about it!


At this point, it is literally going to take an act of God to get things corrected in this state and this nation. More than anything, we all ought to be on our knees every single day praying to God for His will to be done. There is so much evil and so much greed, and so much corruption that only God can make this right. Standing up and taking action is not going to be nearly enough this time around, our main focus ought to be praying to God for His will. I truly believe that if enough of us will get on our knees every single day, that God will hear our prayers, and He will heal our land. This is necessary because we are certainly not going to be able to do it just by standing up and taking action.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)

Trevor Winchell
American Patriots Forum
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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