The Truth Will Be Revealed

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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The Truth Will Be Revealed

Post by xotrevor »

All of us in Michigan know that Gretchen Whitmer did not win the 2022 election. Just like the majority of Americans know that Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election with 80 million votes.

And for those who don't believe that Space Force was recording everything and captured all the data and pcaps before during and after the 2018 election, the 2020 election and even the 2022 election, think again.

The Democrats might think that they got away with their crimes. And they might think that they are in full control. But one thing they are forgetting for sure is that God is in control, and he has the final say. But we all know they are two prideful to greedy into arrogant to our consider what God has to say.

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. At this point, there is no way the Democrats can deny their actions and the crimes they have committed against the American people. They, in fact, were allowed to do what they do best, and it's just a matter of time before they're crying their actions and their crimes are used against them to take them down to drain the swamp for good.

So for those in Michigan who have lost hope, or for those in Michigan who think we are doomed, never forget that God is in control, he has the final say, and his plan will always prevail. And by the way, space force captured it all and the Democrats have no way of stopping the truth from coming out.

I do believe January 20th 2023 is the start of the truth flowing out like a massive title wave.

If you think logically, and use common sense, and allow God to lead your thought process, he will show you the truth, and he will confirm the truth to you. We all have the ability to know the truth, but we have to want to know the truth. As I said before, the truth is not for everyone. But regardless, the truth is coming, and it is coming sooner than later, and it is coming no matter if we want to hear it or not.

For those of you who want to hear the truth, be prepared to embrace the truth and share it with others when it comes out. For those who don't want to hear the truth when it comes out, are those who will deny the truth, we will be praying for you.

Patriots, we are indeed at war, not a war with bullets and blood, but then information war. And we indeed our winning this war.

Only the truth will set you free.

The Best is yet to come, and nothing can stop what is coming.

Trevor Winchell
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Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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