WE ARE AT WAR... V 1.0

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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WE ARE AT WAR... V 1.0

Post by xotrevor »

We are at war, not a traditional war with bullets and blood but an information war. This is why we need all soldiers deployed, the true patriots of We The People. This is why we need all assests deployed, Twitter, Truth Social, Gettr, Gab, American Patriot Social and others... God is our armor and our protection, the truth is our weapon, the free speech platforms are the method in which we can utilize to get the truth out to the people who have been blinded and decieved for decades.

Donald J. Trump is the George Washington of our day.

We are facing a modern version of what took place back in 1776. And even though the battle in 1776 was very difficult, and many people lost their lives in that battle, in 1776 the enemy they were fighting back then was not nearly as difficult as the enemy we are facing today. In 1776, the enemy did not have millions of people deceived and blinded by lies and deception, like the enemy we face today. And even though the battle in 1776 resulted in bullets and blood, the battle we face today is an information war. Our enemy today knew they did not have a chance with waging a war using bullets because there are millions of gun owners (patriots) in this nation, and that is why they are trying to take our guns away because they know what is coming. But the thing they used was information because they have full control of the mainstream (Fake News) media and full control of the social media networks, and they control what gets reported on the news and what does not. They also control what gets posted and what is seen on social media, and what gets censored and blocked.

This war has been going on for some time now, but now is the time when we need to stand up and fight! Now is the time when we need to take our country back! And now is the time when we do not tolerate this nonsense any longer!

We are at war with the deep state cabal
We are at war with the CCP
We are at war with the Republican establishment / RINO's
We are at war with the Fake News
We are at war with big pharma
We are at war with big tech

The American Patriots Motto:

We’re no longer accepting the things we cannot change. We’re changing the things we cannot accept. We’re no longer accepting the status quo or allowing the actions of those who are trying to control us and dictate our lives by trying to take away our God-given rights and freedoms. We are standing firm against those who are trying to control us and dictate our lives with boldness, courage, and strength from God. We will never back down, we will never relent, we will never cower, we will never stop speaking the truth, and we will never be silenced, ever!

God has a plan for each of us. He created this earth and sent us here to serve a specific purpose according to His will and His time. He has allowed us to be here for such a time as this so that we can be used by Him to make a difference, and our faith can and will be increased in the process. All of our challenges, obstacles, and struggles will help us grow and will prepare us for the work that God has called us to do and has equipped us to do on this battlefield called life.


We were born for this...

We were born for this, we were made for this, and we were given the gift of boldness, courage, and resilience to stand up and speak the truth, and to never back down no matter how difficult, no matter how challenging, and no matter the cost or sacrifice. These special gifts were given to us not from the world but from God. And even though we are in this world, we are not of this world, we are servants of God who were placed in this world for such a time as this to serve a specific purpose not according to the world but according to God. It is very important that each and every one of us always remember who we are in Christ, who we truly represent, and who we are serving when we face tough and difficult battles and when we feel like stopping, quitting, or giving up. And not according to our will, our way or in our time but according to God's will, His way, His time and according to His purpose!


Freedom is not free, and it will never be free, it costs us time, effort, commitment, dedication, courage and sacrifice.

America is not great just because we have the opportunity to vote as republican, democrat, or independents etc. America is great because we have the freedom to speak freely, we have the freedom to choose, and we have the freedom to vote according to our morals, our values, and our beliefs and because we have the freedom to have our voices heard as a result of our God-given rights and freedoms according to the United States Constitution.

And anytime that these God-given rights and freedoms are infringed on or threatened, it is a sure sign that tyranny, corruption, and control is present and has set in within our nation.

Without being able to express these God-given rights and freedoms freely without suppression, control, or discrimination is not true freedom. The only way we are going to remain a free country and the only way we are going to be able to continue to experience, express and enjoy these God given freedoms that were given to us by God according to the United States Constitution is to stand up, to be bold, to be courageous and to never back down in this fight for our freedom no matter how difficult it becomes, no matter how unpopular it becomes and no matter the cost or the sacrifice.

It's important to have the mindset that freedom is not something that we earn for our good works or deeds, freedom is a God-given right that is given to every American citizen. But we must also remember that if we do not stand up, if we do not fight with courage and with boldness our God-given rights and freedom could most certainly be taken away from us but only if we allow it to be taken away from us.

This is how we the People can preserve and restore our God-given rights and freedoms. This is how We the People can take back our state this is how we the people can take back our country, by uniting together as like-minded Christian conservative Patriots and standing up and fighting for our God-given rights and freedoms with courage with boldness and by never backing down and by never relenting.


We are in the world, but we are not of the world. We are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness. Our strength does not come from the world or from ourselves, but from God only. Our wisdom, our courage, our boldness and our integrity does not come from the world but from God only. Having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that we are in the world, but we are not of the world. It means that we understand that we are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness, and having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that our wisdom, our strength, our courage, our boldness and our integrity comes only from God, and therefore we need to act like warriors, our words must match our actions and what we say and what we do ought to resemble the actions of a warrior. We must not only talk the talk, but we must also walk the walk. There are far too many cowards in this world (especially elected ones) who don't back their words up with solid action, or they say one thing to your face but do the opposite behind your back.

Now is the time for us who are Patriots and warriors to step up and be set-apart from the rest of the world. Now is the time for us to be courageous and take a stand for what is right. And now is the time for us to make an everlasting change not just for our children and grandchildren but for the entire Kingdom of God.


We Are Sovereign And Free...

We are sovereign and free human beings only because God has granted us the privilege and the right to be sovereign and free. There is no person, no entity, no government, no regime, or no dictator that can ever take away our sovereignty or our freedom that has been granted to us by Almighty God. Every right and freedom we have is the result of God granting those rights and freedom to us as human beings and as children of God. No man has control of the God given rights and freedom, which we were granted as the result of the sovereign gift and right of freedom given to us by Almighty God. Always remember, a man can't take away something in which he has no power, no authority or no control of. As children of God, we have the right to live, the right to speak, the right to think, the right to choose, the right to decide, and the right to determine our actions as Americans. Don't ever forget who your freedom comes from. And never forget that your freedom, which has been given to you by God, can never be restricted, minimized, or taken away by anyone ever.


Knowledge Is Power...

The Holy Bible and The Constitution of the United States are the two most important books we can ever have in our library. If we read, study and learn both of these book often front to back, we will have a deep foundational grasp of the principles of these books, and we will have the knowledge, wisdom, discernment and understanding that is needed in our world today to know the truth, and what our rights and freedoms are as Christians and as Americans to stand against evil and tyranny in all its various forms.

The Bible is our text book for life or our life manual, it has all the answers to every question we will ever have. The Bible is the source of ALL truth, and God (Elohim) is the source of all our unalienable rights and freedoms as Creator! The Constitution of the United States does not give us our God given unalienable rights and freedoms, The Constitution of the United States is our text book, so we can learn, understand and apply our God given unalienable rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the United States is the law of the land here in America, every person who legally lives in this country must adhere to the rule of law written in The Constitution of the United States.

There is so much that they have kept from us for decades in order to control us, in order to manipulate us. And over the last few years they have even used big tech in order to censor us and silence us in order to stop us from speaking and sharing the truth with others.

But as we the remnant are now awake and know the truth about a lot of the things that they were keeping from us, knowing the truth equips us with the wisdom, knowledge and power to make better informed choices and decisions as a result. And we can share what we know with others so that they will know the truth based on the facts.

Our enemies, those who are the enemies of our faith, our freedom, our rights and the American way of life are not just afraid of us because we are the majority, they are also afraid of us because they know that we know the truth about everything that they have tried to keep from us for decades. And their greatest fear is and always will be the majority (We The People) who are awake and aware of their tactics and schemes, and we know the truth.

We the People stepped up, the true Remnant, the Patriots. We spoke the truth, and we shared the truth with as many people as possible, and as a result more and more people are waking up every single day in the deep State hates it, and they cannot stop it.

And regardless of what the dark corrupt and evil world is saying, we are winning and we know it and they know it.

So stop and think about all that we've learned just in the last few years, and stop and think about how great of a time we are living in our nation. I've said it many times that we are literally living in the 1776 of our time in our nation.

We were born for this, and we are here for such a time as this. We are here to stand up for our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, and ever for many generations to come. We are here to fight for our God given rights and freedom, and for the God given rights and freedoms of those who to come in future generations.

Those who are the true Patriots, The Remnant I like to call us, we are the ones who are stepping up and speaking the truth, we will never back down, we will never relent, we will never bend, we will never break, and we will never give up EVER. Because we put our faith in God, and we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior and our strength, our courage, our boldness come directly from Him. The enemy has already been defeated, and he knows it.

Amazing things are coming Patriots, in the very near future we are going to see things take place that we never thought were possible. But only those of us who put our faith in Jesus Christ and only those who have stepped up and spoke the truth are the ones who are going to be able to handle what is about to come. And always remember, nothing in this world can stop what is coming.


Don't Ever Forget This Ever!!!!!

Only those who stand up and fight for our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens and never back down are the ones who are strong and courageous (Patriots) because they have the courage, strength and freedom that God gives them to be bold to stand up, speak the truth, and never relent no matter the cost or the sacrifice. Those who bow down and submit to the political elite establishment's oppressive rule are the ones who are weak because they do what they are told even if it goes against our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens. It's time we as Patriots take a stand for the future of our nation and our future generations because if we don't nobody else will. We can't just stand by and allow the political elite establishment to take over our nation and strip us from our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens, and we can't rely on those who bow down and submit to the political elite establishment's oppressive rule. We need to stand together and unite as American citizens and Patriots today, right now, and rise above the clutter and the noise of the corrupt Washington establishment. With God's strength, His courage, and His grace, we can and will overcome this evil and corrupt Washington establishment once and for all. And when it is all said and done, and when they have been defeated, (The evil and corrupt Washington establishment) will fully understand and realize that we are strong soldiers of God and that we will never back down or relent from our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens. They will understand and realize that we are the majority (good), and they are the minority (evil) not according to us but according to God. And they will realize that they were not defeated by us but by God, and they will see with their own eyes how God used us to defeat them and how God gave us the strength and courage to be victorious over them and for God and His kingdom. As Patriots and strong soldiers, we must be strong for those who are weak, we must speak the truth with love to those who are believing the lies and being deceived by the evil and corrupt Washington establishment, and we must be there to lift those up who are being controlled and told what to do and how to live. We must pray for those who are blinded who don't see the light, we must pray that they will open their eyes and wake up, so they can see the truth, know the truth and live their lives according to the truth of God's Word and not according to the ways of the evil and corrupt Washington establishment.

We are in the world, but we are not of the world. We are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness. Our strength does not come from the world or from ourselves, but from God only. Our wisdom, our courage, our boldness and our integrity does not come from the world but from God only. Having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that we are in the world, but we are not of the world. It means that we understand that we are the salt and the light of this corrupt world of darkness, and having a warrior's mindset means that we understand that our wisdom, our strength, our courage, our boldness and our integrity comes only from God, and therefore we need to act like warriors, our words must match our actions and what we say and what we do ought to resemble the actions of a warrior. We must not only talk the talk, but we must also walk the walk. There are far too many cowards in this world (especially elected ones) who don't back their words up with solid action, or they say one thing to your face but do the opposite behind your back.

Now is the time for us who are Patriots and warriors to step up and be set-apart from the rest of the world. Now is the time for us to be courageous and take a stand for what is right. And now is the time for us to make an everlasting change not just for our children and grandchildren but for the entire Kingdom of God.

Ask yourself,

Are you willing to stand up with boldness and courage and fight for your God-given rights and freedoms? Are you willing to commit, dedicate, and sacrifice your life to stand up for your freedom and for the freedom of others?

Are you willing to put others before yourself by a selfless act of humbleness?

Don't do it just for yourself, do it for your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, and even generations to come.

One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.


Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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