by xotrevor » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:06 pm
Trevor Allen Winchell
America First Candidate
Michigan House of Representatives
District 98
I am a God-fearing Conservative Christian who puts God first and foremost in every area of my life.
I am married to my beautiful wife Aud of almost 3 years.
I have three grown children, Zac, Beann, and Libby.
I have three grandsons, Jaden, Zane, and Rowen.
In my spare time I enjoy, spending time with my wife, family, and friends. I also enjoy photography, music, playing my guitar, fishing, and walks in nature and on sandy beaches with my wife. I also enjoy inspiring others through prayer and devotional writings by encouraging them to live their lives for God through His Son Jesus Christ.
God put me on this earth on Friday, May 11, 1973 to serve a specific purpose according to His will for my life. I was born and raised in Bay City, Michigan.
I knew at a very early age that I was a Christian and that God was a huge part of my life. I have always felt that God had plans for my life to do his work, no matter if it was praying for people, helping others learn whom God is and what He can do if you believe in Him, or writing inspirational words that God gives me.
I was not put on this earth to impress or prove anything to anyone, I am here to honor, love and serve God daily by spreading the Good News to all nations and to make disciples of those who are lost and hopeless. It is my life mission to help those who are lost find God, to reach and teach the unreached about the Gospel of Christ, and to help the unsaved get saved in God’s mercy and grace through His Son Jesus Christ.
My definition of a Christian leader is someone who can effectively encourage, inspire, motivate, and influence others to live their life for God in a positive, grateful, and respectful way with their actions every day.
I strive to be this type of Christian leader every day of my life. I live my life for God and doing His work is part of my daily goals. In order to truly live my life for God means obeying His every command, no matter if it is difficult or unpopular. It is my life’s long goal to bring as many people who are lost and hopeless to know Jesus Christ on an intimate level. I want to encourage those who have lost hope, I want to inspire those who have lost sight of God’s light, and I want to motivate those who are down and feel as if there is nowhere to turn. I want to be the reason someone gave their lives to Christ, I want to be the reason someone did not give up, and I want to be the reason someone knows that they are never alone. I will continue living for God so that I can be a beacon of light for those who are stuck in the darkness. I will never give up, I will never stop spreading God’s word and I will never stop bringing hope to the hopeless because God has never given up on me.
I worked at Dow chemical in Midland on the global server team inside the global data center for almost 15 years. I walked away from that job in 2018 to work for God full-time. My wife and I run a global prayer ministry we pray with people all across the world, and we have a group of volunteers who also help us handle the prayer requests that come into our ministry. Another aspect of our full-time ministry is we write devotionals I have a devotional book that is called (Daily Guidance from God) that was published in 2018 I also do a daily Bible study. In September of 2020 God put on my heart to form an organization called American Patriots Forum where we share the truth about what is going on in a nation, and we also have another addition to American Patriots forum, it's called local communities, and it's basically uniting together at the county level where we encourage people to get involved and to take action to help save our country. Our local community portion of American Patriots Forum (APF) is represented in all 50 states, and we have leaders across the Nation who have stepped up and who are taking action. We have committees set up within our local communities where people can get involved based on their skills, gifts and interests.
American Patriots Forum – Local Communities is a nationwide grassroots movement founded in 2021. We are directed by God, led by the Holy Spirit, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, strengthened by our faith and motivated by our love for The United States of America and its Constitution. We are a group of Patriots seeking to restore and preserve our God given rights & freedoms, law and order, and safety in our local communities.
As our nation faces unprecedented challenges, it is increasingly important for like-minded Patriots to unite. We have lost our natural right to live our lives as we choose. For instance, citizens cannot voice their opinions without fear of censorship. We have even lost our right to operate our businesses freely. The greater the number of Patriots working together to reverse this, the more successful we will be in recovering our freedoms. We are living in a time of literal life or death of our nation and all of our God given rights and freedoms. It’s time for all of us to stand up, be bold, speak the truth and not back down. It’s time for us to stop worrying about what others think or what problems we might face as a result of standing up for the truth and for what is right.
We were given our rights and freedoms as American citizens by God and there is nobody in this world who can ever take our rights and freedoms away from us. And anyone who tries or attempts to take our God given rights and freedoms away from us is clearly being used by the enemy and is clearly trying to take away our rights and freedoms only to benefit themselves.
We have a voice in who gets elected at the local level as we are the majority, there is power in numbers, and we can shape the outcome of our future elections on the local, state and federal level.
United together by God, we as American Patriots, can make a difference in this nation – One person, one vote, one county, and one state at a time! I enjoy encouraging and inspiring people to live their life for God, I enjoy writing I enjoy playing music I enjoy photography and I enjoy spending time with friends and family.
I live my life one moment, one hour, and one day at a time. I am very grateful for everyday I am granted, as each day is a gift and a blessing given to me from God.
Each morning I wake up not knowing what the day will bring or who I will cross paths with, but knowing that God knows exactly what will take place, and who needs to be lifted up, inspired and encouraged.
I don't start each day wondering how God will use me to inspire and encourage others, or who needs to be inspired and encouraged. I wake up knowing that God will use me to inspire and encourage others. I start each day knowing that God will guide me, lead me, and direct me and cross my path at the right time with those who need to be inspired and encouraged the most.
It's very important to me that my life and everything I do, everything I say, everything I think, how I act and how I react to difficult and challenging situations, circumstances and people reflect all of these attributes every single day.
I live my life in a way that causes me to treat people with love, compassion, respect, and dignity. I do this in a way that shows my true intentions not with my words but more importantly with my actions. I conduct my daily life with honesty, truth, integrity, morality, and my beliefs in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I stand firm in my faith, my beliefs and the way I conduct my life and I don't back down from those beliefs regardless of the circumstances or sacrifices. When I face challenges and obstacles in life, I don't take the path that everyone else is taking, I don't take the path that has the least resistance, and I don't take the path that has the least amount of work or sacrifices. I take the path that is less traveled because this will take effort, courage, boldness, and it will produce perseverance and strength. It's not the popular way, but rather it is an important and necessary way because few people have the motivation to travel this path and stay moving along this path until the journey is complete.
I do not want to be known for what I do, what I accomplish, or what I have. I want to be known for who I am, for who I serve, who I commit my life too, and for who I live for, Jesus Christ.
It's very important to me that my words, my actions, and my intentions are reflecting the characteristics of the life of Jesus and the way He lived and treated others. And it's also very important to me that what I say, what I do, and how I act is making a positive impact in the lives of others and influencing them to live their lives the same.
Our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
That's why on Friday, July 30th, I officially announced that I am running for the Michigan House of Representatives District 98 in 2022.
I am running to represent the people of Michigan in District 98 in Lansing with trust, honesty, integrity and most importantly your best interest as my top priority.
I will stand firm and make sure that your voice is never silenced and that your vote is never changed, manipulated, or adjusted!
I don't make decisions based on public opinion, I don't make decisions based on the majority, I don't make decisions based on what is popular, I make decisions based on the ways and the will of God.
I know that if I make decisions according to the ways and the will of God, it will be the right decision, and it will be right for the people of Michigan.
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
Pro God
Pro Life
Pro Constitution
Pro 1st Amendment
Pro 2nd Amendment
Pro Rule of Law
Pro Military
Pro Law Enforcement
Pro We The People have the power
Pro Free Speech
Pro Election Integrity
Pro President Trump
Political Accountability
Support Small Businesses
Preservation of Historical Monuments
How we take our country back, save America, and keep America great!
- God first in our nation
- Bible back in our schools
- Prayer back in our schools
- Pledge of allegiance required (Not Optional)
- State by state election audits
- Enforce election integrity laws
- Parents taking over school boards
- Pastors putting their foot down
- People forcing out corrupt Governors
- States ending mask mandates
- Boycotting corrupt corporations
- Exposing Wall Street
- Exposing Big Pharma
- Exposing and bypassing the MSM
- Exposing traitors in government and politics
- Exposing child trafficking and Satanism
- Supporting law enforcement
- Supporting small businesses
- Supporting the rule of law
- Supporting the Constitution
I am running for this office first and foremost because God spoke to my heart about running for the Michigan House of Representatives district 98. At first, I was not sure if it was God or if it was a distraction from the work that God currently has me doing. So in my prayer I asked God for a confirmation. I received a confirmation about 2 weeks after I prayed. So once I received the confirmation I knew it was God and I knew it was time for me to act according to His plan and His time.
I was in Lansing on June 17, 2021 with a large group of Patriots to deliver 7,500 signed affidavits to our legislature to demand a Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 election in the State of Michigan. We had a very difficult time getting any legislative offices to sign the paper work for the proof of delivery at the State Capitol.
Our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote (Freedom of Choice) are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
I am running to represent the people of Michigan in District 98 in Lansing with trust, honesty, integrity and most importantly your best interest as my top priority.
I will stand firm and make sure that your voice is never silenced and that your vote is never changed, manipulated, or adjusted!
I don't make decisions based on public opinion, I don't make decisions based on the majority, I don't make decisions based on what is popular, I make decisions based on the ways and the will of God.
I know that if I make decisions according to the ways and the will of God, it will be the right decision, and it will be right for the people of Michigan. I am not running for Michigan House of Representative District 98 to make friends! I am running to stand up and speak for what is right according to God, I am running to make a difference for the citizens of District 98 and for all of Michigan. And although I am making some new friends along the way, I am also finding out who my "REAL" friends are, even people I've known for years. Anyone can say they are your friend, but when it comes down to politics and difficult situations, and decisions is when you find out who your real friends are real quick!
First and foremost, I will work hard to restore voter confidence by working together with my constituents to implement strict voter ID laws and election integrity laws that will ensure that the people's vote reflects the Election day results. If our vote does not count, then our voice is not being heard, and that means we don't have the freedom to choose who our elected officials are.
As I mentioned before, our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote (Freedom of Choice) are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give all students the freedom to pray and read their Bible in school without discrimination.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give all children and adults the freedom to choose to wear a mask or not, and eliminate any mask mandates in schools or in public places indoors and out.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give employees the freedom to choose if they want to wear a mask or not and eliminate any mask mandates in the work place.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give employees the freedom to choose if they want to take the vaccines or not. This legislation will also prevent employers from forcing employees to get the vaccines in order to keep their jobs.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will replace Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our schools with classes for learning about the United States Constituion and all Founding documents and why they are vitally important to understand them and to know what they mean and why they are important.
At times running for state rep along with all the other things going on in our world today can a bit overwhelming But I know God is calling me to do all the things I am doing right now! In the natural it seems a bit crazy, but in the spiritual it is exactly how it needs to be right now. And also in the spiritual, it is exactly what God needs me to be doing right now. There are days that I wish I was not so busy and that I could just stick to full time ministry like it was before American Patriots Forum (APF). But then God quickly reminds of all the people we have encouraged and inspired as a result of my obedience to His call to step up, be bold, and take action.
And I know that we are making a difference in the lives of many, and I know that we are educating people with the truth based on facts. And I know that my hard work, commitment and dedication, and long hours is for a purpose that will help to bring awareness to people and to help make this state and this country a better place. I also know that the work that God has me doing and has us doing as a team right now is not for me or even for us, it is for our children, grand children and our great-grandchildren and many future generations to come. The battle we are fighting right now for our freedom and the sacrifices we are making right now are similar to the sacrifices our founding fathers made many years ago. And even though we are at war we are not fighting a battle with bullets and blood, we are fighting an information and spiritual war.
I know deep down in my heart that I was called by God to stand up and lead right now for such a time as this. God did not give me a nationwide grassroots movement to lead if He did not think I was able to handle it. He molded me, shaped me, prepared me, and equipped me for this mission. He gives me the courage and the strength to be stand up and to be bold, and I must never back down, no matter the cost or the sacrifice. I will never stop fighting and standing up for what is right according to God, I will never back down to the corrupt and evil cowards who are trying to take away our God given rights and freedoms in this state and in this nation, I will never relent from those who are trying to steal and manipulate our right to vote, and I will never stop speaking the truth against those who are trying to silence our voice. For the people who are willing to join me in this fight for the survival of our nation, and for the people who are willing to stand up and fight against these evil corrupt tyrants that are trying to take away our God given rights and freedoms, get involved TODAY and stand up TODAY and take action TODAY! And if you do not want to stand up and help save our nation and restore and protect our God given rights and freedoms, then keep your mouth quiet and get out of the way!
United together by God, we as American Patriots, can make a difference in this nation – One person, one vote, one county, and one state at a time!
I believe that Michigan's greatest assets are first and foremost it's people, second, it's plentiful natural resources, and third, it's bountiful and beautiful great lakes. We have a long history of strong work ethics by hard-working American people who only want the best for their families. We also have a rich history of being a frontier in our nation for the automotive industry as well as education, agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and alternative energy.
People can say what they want people to hear, but at the end of the day, it is their actions and their true motives and intentions in their heart that will matter according to God. People might be able to fool and persuade others with their words, but they will never fool God. I believe that 2022 is going to be a much different election than any other election in the history of our nation. I believe that God is calling His army to step up, to be bold, to be courageous and to speak the truth, and take action and as a result of those who choose to obey Him, He is going to place the people He has chosen in key positions all across this great land at the federal level, state level and even at the county level. He is going to place these people in key positions so that He can work in them and through them to impact the lives of others. I truly believe we are witnessing a spiritual awaking and 2022 is going to be a huge part of the process according to God. If candidates are running with the wrong motives and intentions in their heart God knows, don't be surprised when people who are running who do not have the right motives and intentions or the will of the people first are not elected by God.
Always remember, it is not the people who elect our elected officials, it is God who calls the people He has chosen for key positions across our land, and if they choose to obey Him, then God will place them where He needs them to be. God will qualify and equip those who He has called.
God doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called, and God doesn't call the equipped He equips the called!
Michigan needs elected officials who put God first in all their choices and decisions, and Michigan needs elected officials who not only say they will make the will of the people their number one priority, they need to back it up by their actions. The actions, choices, and decisions of our elected officials in the Michigan House of Representatives should reflect the will of the people in Michigan. We also need elected officials who stand for the truth, honesty, and integrity, and people who are not bought by the establishment or controlled by the establishment.
America is rising not sinking, America is growing not shrinking, America is becoming stronger not weaker, and America is becoming a nation of Patriots who are wide awake who know the truth, who see the truth, who stand up for the truth who never back down to the evil and corrupt tyrants in the Washington establishment who have been controlling "we the people" for far too long who are now are trying to take over our nation and take away our God given rights and freedoms forever.
I have been thinking about how clearly we can see the actions of those who are on our side and those who are not after the 2020 election. I also think about if the election would not have happened the way it did, how we would mostly likely be blinded from seeing the truth about those in the Michigan legislature who claim they are for us, but their actions show us they are not!
2020 was a year of clarity and vision from God. He showed us the people who were and still are clearly being used by the enemy to cause division, distraction, and destruction in our lives.
2020 was a very important year that God used to give us a clear vision and perspective of what His plans are for the world and how He is going to make it happen.
Far too many people are focused too much on all the evil that is taking place in the world rather than focusing on what God is doing in the spiritual, and it is causing them to be blinded from being able to see the truth. As a result they are left scratching their heads and wondering why all this evil is being allowed to happen, and it is causing them to be stressed, worried, and full of fear because they think that there is no hope and that the evil will prevail. For this reason it is extremely crucial that we are focusing on the spiritual which are the ways and the will of God rather than focusing on the natural which are the ways of this dark, broken, and fallen world.
Over the next several weeks and months, our nation and the world is going to see the mighty power of Almighty God move in ways we have never seen before. As He exposes the deep dark evil secrets of those who are corrupt, the truth will be revealed first hand for all to see.
He said don't focus on the lies and don't be fooled by the fools of darkness. He said, don't fall for the lies and the schemes of evil men. He said don't be deceived by the deceivers and don't be blinded by those who are holding, restricting, and suppressing the truth. He said focus on Me so that you can rise above the noise, the clutter, and the fog, so you can see the truth with 2020 vision clearly.
There Is a reason all this is happening right now. There is a reason why all the lies and corruption are being exposed for all to see. There is a reason why the truth is and will be revealed for all of us to see with our own eyes. We are living in a time like we have never seen before. For far too long the evil and corrupt politicians have violated our rights, stripped us of our freedoms and tried to silence our voice. For far too long the evil and corrupt politicians have tried to control and instill fear in the American people in order to push their dark, evil, corrupt, and greedy agenda.
God spoke this words to me today for me to share the truth with all Americans. We are living in dark and difficult times, but God said the days of light are coming. He said soon the darkness of this nation will be defeated once and for all. He said their plan and their agenda will be dismantled and destroyed once and for all. And He said these people who have lied, cheated, controlled, and corrupted our American way of life will face the consequences of their actions before the ultimate judge.
He said have faith, trust in Him, trust in His timing, and look up because great and powerful times are coming. For God & Country
Trevor Winchell (R)
America First Candidate
Michigan House of Representatives
District 98
2022 Mid-term election
[size=170][b]Trevor Allen Winchell[/b][/size]
[size=150]America First Candidate
Michigan House of Representatives
District 98[/size]
[size=120][b]ABOUT ME:[/b]
I am a God-fearing Conservative Christian who puts God first and foremost in every area of my life.
I am married to my beautiful wife Aud of almost 3 years.
I have three grown children, Zac, Beann, and Libby.
I have three grandsons, Jaden, Zane, and Rowen.
In my spare time I enjoy, spending time with my wife, family, and friends. I also enjoy photography, music, playing my guitar, fishing, and walks in nature and on sandy beaches with my wife. I also enjoy inspiring others through prayer and devotional writings by encouraging them to live their lives for God through His Son Jesus Christ.
God put me on this earth on Friday, May 11, 1973 to serve a specific purpose according to His will for my life. I was born and raised in Bay City, Michigan.
I knew at a very early age that I was a Christian and that God was a huge part of my life. I have always felt that God had plans for my life to do his work, no matter if it was praying for people, helping others learn whom God is and what He can do if you believe in Him, or writing inspirational words that God gives me.
I was not put on this earth to impress or prove anything to anyone, I am here to honor, love and serve God daily by spreading the Good News to all nations and to make disciples of those who are lost and hopeless. It is my life mission to help those who are lost find God, to reach and teach the unreached about the Gospel of Christ, and to help the unsaved get saved in God’s mercy and grace through His Son Jesus Christ.
My definition of a Christian leader is someone who can effectively encourage, inspire, motivate, and influence others to live their life for God in a positive, grateful, and respectful way with their actions every day.
I strive to be this type of Christian leader every day of my life. I live my life for God and doing His work is part of my daily goals. In order to truly live my life for God means obeying His every command, no matter if it is difficult or unpopular. It is my life’s long goal to bring as many people who are lost and hopeless to know Jesus Christ on an intimate level. I want to encourage those who have lost hope, I want to inspire those who have lost sight of God’s light, and I want to motivate those who are down and feel as if there is nowhere to turn. I want to be the reason someone gave their lives to Christ, I want to be the reason someone did not give up, and I want to be the reason someone knows that they are never alone. I will continue living for God so that I can be a beacon of light for those who are stuck in the darkness. I will never give up, I will never stop spreading God’s word and I will never stop bringing hope to the hopeless because God has never given up on me.
I worked at Dow chemical in Midland on the global server team inside the global data center for almost 15 years. I walked away from that job in 2018 to work for God full-time. My wife and I run a global prayer ministry we pray with people all across the world, and we have a group of volunteers who also help us handle the prayer requests that come into our ministry. Another aspect of our full-time ministry is we write devotionals I have a devotional book that is called (Daily Guidance from God) that was published in 2018 I also do a daily Bible study. In September of 2020 God put on my heart to form an organization called American Patriots Forum where we share the truth about what is going on in a nation, and we also have another addition to American Patriots forum, it's called local communities, and it's basically uniting together at the county level where we encourage people to get involved and to take action to help save our country. Our local community portion of American Patriots Forum (APF) is represented in all 50 states, and we have leaders across the Nation who have stepped up and who are taking action. We have committees set up within our local communities where people can get involved based on their skills, gifts and interests.
American Patriots Forum – Local Communities is a nationwide grassroots movement founded in 2021. We are directed by God, led by the Holy Spirit, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, strengthened by our faith and motivated by our love for The United States of America and its Constitution. We are a group of Patriots seeking to restore and preserve our God given rights & freedoms, law and order, and safety in our local communities.
As our nation faces unprecedented challenges, it is increasingly important for like-minded Patriots to unite. We have lost our natural right to live our lives as we choose. For instance, citizens cannot voice their opinions without fear of censorship. We have even lost our right to operate our businesses freely. The greater the number of Patriots working together to reverse this, the more successful we will be in recovering our freedoms. We are living in a time of literal life or death of our nation and all of our God given rights and freedoms. It’s time for all of us to stand up, be bold, speak the truth and not back down. It’s time for us to stop worrying about what others think or what problems we might face as a result of standing up for the truth and for what is right.
We were given our rights and freedoms as American citizens by God and there is nobody in this world who can ever take our rights and freedoms away from us. And anyone who tries or attempts to take our God given rights and freedoms away from us is clearly being used by the enemy and is clearly trying to take away our rights and freedoms only to benefit themselves.
We have a voice in who gets elected at the local level as we are the majority, there is power in numbers, and we can shape the outcome of our future elections on the local, state and federal level.
United together by God, we as American Patriots, can make a difference in this nation – One person, one vote, one county, and one state at a time! I enjoy encouraging and inspiring people to live their life for God, I enjoy writing I enjoy playing music I enjoy photography and I enjoy spending time with friends and family.
I live my life one moment, one hour, and one day at a time. I am very grateful for everyday I am granted, as each day is a gift and a blessing given to me from God.
Each morning I wake up not knowing what the day will bring or who I will cross paths with, but knowing that God knows exactly what will take place, and who needs to be lifted up, inspired and encouraged.
I don't start each day wondering how God will use me to inspire and encourage others, or who needs to be inspired and encouraged. I wake up knowing that God will use me to inspire and encourage others. I start each day knowing that God will guide me, lead me, and direct me and cross my path at the right time with those who need to be inspired and encouraged the most.
It's very important to me that my life and everything I do, everything I say, everything I think, how I act and how I react to difficult and challenging situations, circumstances and people reflect all of these attributes every single day.
I live my life in a way that causes me to treat people with love, compassion, respect, and dignity. I do this in a way that shows my true intentions not with my words but more importantly with my actions. I conduct my daily life with honesty, truth, integrity, morality, and my beliefs in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I stand firm in my faith, my beliefs and the way I conduct my life and I don't back down from those beliefs regardless of the circumstances or sacrifices. When I face challenges and obstacles in life, I don't take the path that everyone else is taking, I don't take the path that has the least resistance, and I don't take the path that has the least amount of work or sacrifices. I take the path that is less traveled because this will take effort, courage, boldness, and it will produce perseverance and strength. It's not the popular way, but rather it is an important and necessary way because few people have the motivation to travel this path and stay moving along this path until the journey is complete.
I do not want to be known for what I do, what I accomplish, or what I have. I want to be known for who I am, for who I serve, who I commit my life too, and for who I live for, Jesus Christ.
It's very important to me that my words, my actions, and my intentions are reflecting the characteristics of the life of Jesus and the way He lived and treated others. And it's also very important to me that what I say, what I do, and how I act is making a positive impact in the lives of others and influencing them to live their lives the same.
Our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
That's why on Friday, July 30th, I officially announced that I am running for the Michigan House of Representatives District 98 in 2022.
I am running to represent the people of Michigan in District 98 in Lansing with trust, honesty, integrity and most importantly your best interest as my top priority.
I will stand firm and make sure that your voice is never silenced and that your vote is never changed, manipulated, or adjusted!
I don't make decisions based on public opinion, I don't make decisions based on the majority, I don't make decisions based on what is popular, I make decisions based on the ways and the will of God.
I know that if I make decisions according to the ways and the will of God, it will be the right decision, and it will be right for the people of Michigan.
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
Pro God
Pro Life
Pro Constitution
Pro 1st Amendment
Pro 2nd Amendment
Pro Rule of Law
Pro Military
Pro Law Enforcement
Pro We The People have the power
Pro Free Speech
Pro Election Integrity
Pro President Trump
Political Accountability
Support Small Businesses
Preservation of Historical Monuments
How we take our country back, save America, and keep America great!
- God first in our nation
- Bible back in our schools
- Prayer back in our schools
- Pledge of allegiance required (Not Optional)
- State by state election audits
- Enforce election integrity laws
- Parents taking over school boards
- Pastors putting their foot down
- People forcing out corrupt Governors
- States ending mask mandates
- Boycotting corrupt corporations
- Exposing Wall Street
- Exposing Big Pharma
- Exposing and bypassing the MSM
- Exposing traitors in government and politics
- Exposing child trafficking and Satanism
- Supporting law enforcement
- Supporting small businesses
- Supporting the rule of law
- Supporting the Constitution
I am running for this office first and foremost because God spoke to my heart about running for the Michigan House of Representatives district 98. At first, I was not sure if it was God or if it was a distraction from the work that God currently has me doing. So in my prayer I asked God for a confirmation. I received a confirmation about 2 weeks after I prayed. So once I received the confirmation I knew it was God and I knew it was time for me to act according to His plan and His time.
I was in Lansing on June 17, 2021 with a large group of Patriots to deliver 7,500 signed affidavits to our legislature to demand a Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 election in the State of Michigan. We had a very difficult time getting any legislative offices to sign the paper work for the proof of delivery at the State Capitol.
Our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote (Freedom of Choice) are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
People need to start having the understanding and the mindset that this upcoming election in 2022 is not about politics, the political elite, or their agenda, it is about God placing His soldiers in His army in strategic places within our government to carry out His will, in His time according to His plan for His people on the political stage all across this great land, not the other way around.
I am running to represent the people of Michigan in District 98 in Lansing with trust, honesty, integrity and most importantly your best interest as my top priority.
I will stand firm and make sure that your voice is never silenced and that your vote is never changed, manipulated, or adjusted!
I don't make decisions based on public opinion, I don't make decisions based on the majority, I don't make decisions based on what is popular, I make decisions based on the ways and the will of God.
I know that if I make decisions according to the ways and the will of God, it will be the right decision, and it will be right for the people of Michigan. I am not running for Michigan House of Representative District 98 to make friends! I am running to stand up and speak for what is right according to God, I am running to make a difference for the citizens of District 98 and for all of Michigan. And although I am making some new friends along the way, I am also finding out who my "REAL" friends are, even people I've known for years. Anyone can say they are your friend, but when it comes down to politics and difficult situations, and decisions is when you find out who your real friends are real quick!
First and foremost, I will work hard to restore voter confidence by working together with my constituents to implement strict voter ID laws and election integrity laws that will ensure that the people's vote reflects the Election day results. If our vote does not count, then our voice is not being heard, and that means we don't have the freedom to choose who our elected officials are.
As I mentioned before, our voice (Freedom of Speech) and our vote (Freedom of Choice) are two of the most fundamentally important God given rights we have in this county as American citizens. Our voice should never be silenced, and our vote should never be changed, manipulated, or adjusted ever!
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give all students the freedom to pray and read their Bible in school without discrimination.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give all children and adults the freedom to choose to wear a mask or not, and eliminate any mask mandates in schools or in public places indoors and out.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give employees the freedom to choose if they want to wear a mask or not and eliminate any mask mandates in the work place.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will give employees the freedom to choose if they want to take the vaccines or not. This legislation will also prevent employers from forcing employees to get the vaccines in order to keep their jobs.
I will work hard to introduce legislation that will replace Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our schools with classes for learning about the United States Constituion and all Founding documents and why they are vitally important to understand them and to know what they mean and why they are important.
At times running for state rep along with all the other things going on in our world today can a bit overwhelming But I know God is calling me to do all the things I am doing right now! In the natural it seems a bit crazy, but in the spiritual it is exactly how it needs to be right now. And also in the spiritual, it is exactly what God needs me to be doing right now. There are days that I wish I was not so busy and that I could just stick to full time ministry like it was before American Patriots Forum (APF). But then God quickly reminds of all the people we have encouraged and inspired as a result of my obedience to His call to step up, be bold, and take action.
And I know that we are making a difference in the lives of many, and I know that we are educating people with the truth based on facts. And I know that my hard work, commitment and dedication, and long hours is for a purpose that will help to bring awareness to people and to help make this state and this country a better place. I also know that the work that God has me doing and has us doing as a team right now is not for me or even for us, it is for our children, grand children and our great-grandchildren and many future generations to come. The battle we are fighting right now for our freedom and the sacrifices we are making right now are similar to the sacrifices our founding fathers made many years ago. And even though we are at war we are not fighting a battle with bullets and blood, we are fighting an information and spiritual war.
I know deep down in my heart that I was called by God to stand up and lead right now for such a time as this. God did not give me a nationwide grassroots movement to lead if He did not think I was able to handle it. He molded me, shaped me, prepared me, and equipped me for this mission. He gives me the courage and the strength to be stand up and to be bold, and I must never back down, no matter the cost or the sacrifice. I will never stop fighting and standing up for what is right according to God, I will never back down to the corrupt and evil cowards who are trying to take away our God given rights and freedoms in this state and in this nation, I will never relent from those who are trying to steal and manipulate our right to vote, and I will never stop speaking the truth against those who are trying to silence our voice. For the people who are willing to join me in this fight for the survival of our nation, and for the people who are willing to stand up and fight against these evil corrupt tyrants that are trying to take away our God given rights and freedoms, get involved TODAY and stand up TODAY and take action TODAY! And if you do not want to stand up and help save our nation and restore and protect our God given rights and freedoms, then keep your mouth quiet and get out of the way!
United together by God, we as American Patriots, can make a difference in this nation – One person, one vote, one county, and one state at a time!
I believe that Michigan's greatest assets are first and foremost it's people, second, it's plentiful natural resources, and third, it's bountiful and beautiful great lakes. We have a long history of strong work ethics by hard-working American people who only want the best for their families. We also have a rich history of being a frontier in our nation for the automotive industry as well as education, agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and alternative energy.
People can say what they want people to hear, but at the end of the day, it is their actions and their true motives and intentions in their heart that will matter according to God. People might be able to fool and persuade others with their words, but they will never fool God. I believe that 2022 is going to be a much different election than any other election in the history of our nation. I believe that God is calling His army to step up, to be bold, to be courageous and to speak the truth, and take action and as a result of those who choose to obey Him, He is going to place the people He has chosen in key positions all across this great land at the federal level, state level and even at the county level. He is going to place these people in key positions so that He can work in them and through them to impact the lives of others. I truly believe we are witnessing a spiritual awaking and 2022 is going to be a huge part of the process according to God. If candidates are running with the wrong motives and intentions in their heart God knows, don't be surprised when people who are running who do not have the right motives and intentions or the will of the people first are not elected by God.
Always remember, it is not the people who elect our elected officials, it is God who calls the people He has chosen for key positions across our land, and if they choose to obey Him, then God will place them where He needs them to be. God will qualify and equip those who He has called.
God doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called, and God doesn't call the equipped He equips the called!
Michigan needs elected officials who put God first in all their choices and decisions, and Michigan needs elected officials who not only say they will make the will of the people their number one priority, they need to back it up by their actions. The actions, choices, and decisions of our elected officials in the Michigan House of Representatives should reflect the will of the people in Michigan. We also need elected officials who stand for the truth, honesty, and integrity, and people who are not bought by the establishment or controlled by the establishment.
America is rising not sinking, America is growing not shrinking, America is becoming stronger not weaker, and America is becoming a nation of Patriots who are wide awake who know the truth, who see the truth, who stand up for the truth who never back down to the evil and corrupt tyrants in the Washington establishment who have been controlling "we the people" for far too long who are now are trying to take over our nation and take away our God given rights and freedoms forever.
I have been thinking about how clearly we can see the actions of those who are on our side and those who are not after the 2020 election. I also think about if the election would not have happened the way it did, how we would mostly likely be blinded from seeing the truth about those in the Michigan legislature who claim they are for us, but their actions show us they are not!
2020 was a year of clarity and vision from God. He showed us the people who were and still are clearly being used by the enemy to cause division, distraction, and destruction in our lives.
2020 was a very important year that God used to give us a clear vision and perspective of what His plans are for the world and how He is going to make it happen.
Far too many people are focused too much on all the evil that is taking place in the world rather than focusing on what God is doing in the spiritual, and it is causing them to be blinded from being able to see the truth. As a result they are left scratching their heads and wondering why all this evil is being allowed to happen, and it is causing them to be stressed, worried, and full of fear because they think that there is no hope and that the evil will prevail. For this reason it is extremely crucial that we are focusing on the spiritual which are the ways and the will of God rather than focusing on the natural which are the ways of this dark, broken, and fallen world.
Over the next several weeks and months, our nation and the world is going to see the mighty power of Almighty God move in ways we have never seen before. As He exposes the deep dark evil secrets of those who are corrupt, the truth will be revealed first hand for all to see.
He said don't focus on the lies and don't be fooled by the fools of darkness. He said, don't fall for the lies and the schemes of evil men. He said don't be deceived by the deceivers and don't be blinded by those who are holding, restricting, and suppressing the truth. He said focus on Me so that you can rise above the noise, the clutter, and the fog, so you can see the truth with 2020 vision clearly.
There Is a reason all this is happening right now. There is a reason why all the lies and corruption are being exposed for all to see. There is a reason why the truth is and will be revealed for all of us to see with our own eyes. We are living in a time like we have never seen before. For far too long the evil and corrupt politicians have violated our rights, stripped us of our freedoms and tried to silence our voice. For far too long the evil and corrupt politicians have tried to control and instill fear in the American people in order to push their dark, evil, corrupt, and greedy agenda.
God spoke this words to me today for me to share the truth with all Americans. We are living in dark and difficult times, but God said the days of light are coming. He said soon the darkness of this nation will be defeated once and for all. He said their plan and their agenda will be dismantled and destroyed once and for all. And He said these people who have lied, cheated, controlled, and corrupted our American way of life will face the consequences of their actions before the ultimate judge.
He said have faith, trust in Him, trust in His timing, and look up because great and powerful times are coming. For God & Country
Trevor Winchell (R)
America First Candidate
Michigan House of Representatives
District 98
2022 Mid-term election[/size]