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Post by xotrevor »




  • President Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up. They made mistakes and people started to wake up earlier and quicker.

  • Graphene found in Co-codamol medication.

  • Fox News Tucker Carlson has published the great news that METICORE is the cure for every ‘modern’ disease and it is a great protection from Covid-19. It will kill every infection and help you lose weight! As they published the truth, Joe Biden tried to STOP this product everywhere because it’s not going in his favor. We are sorry if you won’t be able to order Meticore if they stop this product. We recommend you to order while they are still here!

  • No one at CNN has died of Omicron but there has been an outbreak of pedophilia.

  • COVID vaccines link to blood clots & heart attacks confirmed.

  • Robert Kennedy Jr: Anthony Fauci blocked early treatment of CHY-NA virus causing upward of 80% of what were AVOIDABLE DEATHS in the USA. WHY??? Because he wanted to enrich himself and his big pharma friends. Fauci is a murderer, Nuremburg trials 2.0 for him and his kin. Despicable EVIL man.

  • Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits. Big Pharma adds lethal Sodium Azide to DIY test kits.

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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