3 - Mr. Dez/Andrew - Readiness and Preparation

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3 - Mr. Dez/Andrew - Readiness and Preparation

Post by RoseberryEssentials »

August 4th, 2021

For those of you who haven’t watched the video (link below)
We’re going to start preparing for this event that will inevitably happen, which maybe sooner than most of us think.
We’re going to focus on three parts of readiness and preparation:

1. Physical- working together and holding each other accountable in achieving a supply of food, water, first aid, and basic necessities in the event of a blackout, loss of communications and power.
2. Mental- preparing for the aftermath of this revelation of truth to the world, and what our role will be in the rebuilding of this Earth.
3. Emotional- recognizing the crimes these monsters have committed against all of humanity, and allowing ourselves to be able to support others when the day comes that they realize all the evil they’ve supported.

Lastly, I spoke about my geological blueprint of the Earth, and its connection to the universe. I’ve asked that when I post videos regarding any of this, that each one of you try to record and keep a copy for when the dust settles.

No ones life is guaranteed through all of this, so if I don’t make it I want to be sure that this information will be in the hands of good people.

We don’t know how long it will be before this all begins to happen, but I’m going to make sure I do what I can, to help us prepare and give us the best chance of survival.

Thank you.

Mr. Dez


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