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2/18/2022 - HUGE INTEL DROP #6 (Trucker/Farmers Freedom Convoys)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:37 pm
by xotrevor
Canadian Freedom Convoy Organizer Arrested. So it begins. ... -arrested/

Canadian officials freeze bank accounts of citizens who made donations for the “Freedom Convoy”

After calling to cash out all their savings by emptying ATMs, now protesters in Canada are calling on the working class not to go to work from February 21 to 27: “Protest from home. Call, tell me that you are sick or hurt your ankle. Use vacation time or a magic virus.” Given the unity of Canadians in the Covid protests, it is quite possible to expect that this call will find a massive response in the hearts of workers

USA Convoy has started, all the people are here:

We are proud to announce that the USA Super Convoy of Freedom telegram group is created to show support to the truckers on their road towards freedom. Join the group here:

The New York Times claims that Justin Trudeau is now threatening Canadian tow truck drivers as well. He said that those companies that would not agree to do the dirty work of forcibly clearing the occupied territories for him would face arrest. Let me remind you that Trudeau has already made attempts to involve Canadian towing companies, but he was refused in all organizations

Canadian Officials Freeze Bank Accounts of Citizens Who Donated to Freedom Convoy — State Run Media Brags About Using Data from GiveSendGo Criminal Hackers to Target Citizens: ... -citizens/

Canadian Banks Outage Mystery Hours after Justice Minister’s Warning: Canada’s big five banks all went offline simultaneously on Wednesday, leaving customers unable to access online banking or make transfers for hours. Some still reported outages Thursday too. The Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, TD Bank Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce were all hit – mysteriously just days after PM Trudeau turned to the Emergencies Act to force all crowdfunding payments be registered with the state regulator FINTRAC. On Wednesday, Justice Minister David Lametti told CTV News: “If you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating… you ought to be worried” [about your bank account being frozen].