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2/18/2022 - HUGE INTEL DROP #5 (Wars and Rumors of Wars)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:30 pm
by xotrevor

Russia-US-Ukraine “War” – Are we in the middle of a False Flag? It’s Q Day.

Western Media is Literally Peddling Neo-Nazi Propaganda to Prompt War Between Russia and Ukraine. ... d-ukraine/

Biden claims he has information about Russia conducting a false flag operation /Reuters.

The Kremlin has called the Biden Admin’s allegations an escalation.

Ukrainian Pres Zelensky: We don’t want people with foreign flags on our territory, this could destabilize the whole world.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the attack on Ukrainian kindergarten a ‘false flag operation’.

Ukrainian Forces are hitting Deep State Muslim Brotherhood Separatists Chechnyan, Bosnian & Georgian.

Citizens in Donetsk City reporting power outages and large explosions on the frontlines for over an hour now.

Russian news agencies say authorities are looking if there were any casualties or Material damage following the Barrage from the Ukrainian Armed forces.

Electricity has been cut off in half of Luhansk’s Stanitsa town. Some civilians were taken to a shelter.

South China Morning Post: In warning to North Korea, Japan says it has right to pre-emptive air strikes

Middle East Is heating up:

Turkey and Kurdish exchanging fire and Russian running air strikes.

Israel hits Syria with missiles

Dozens of Yemeni pro-government fighters have been killed in a new offensive to take a rebel-held city, loyalist sources said on Tuesday, following a surge in violence including missile attacks on the United Arab Emirates.

Iran only weeks away from becoming a NUCLEAR power.

US general says Russia turmoil could spill to Middle East. The Army general tapped to take over as top U.S. commander in the Middle East is warning senators that if Russian invades Ukraine, it could create broader instability into the Middle East, including Syria

Ukraine War will set off Middle East war, Balkans war, China-Taiwan war, India-China war, African coups, South American coups.