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Post by xotrevor »




We’ve heard from multiple directions that 600,000+ sealed indictments are being processed. How many ankle bracelets are tracking these arrogant lawbreakers now? There’s no way to know. What we have had shared though, is that GITMO and multiple locations are facilitating Military Trials – each lasting only a few days, with 3 judges sitting in judgment. It’s a fast in and out and the trial is done.

The Military is the Only Way we get our Freedom restored, given that we have millions of DEEP STATE bad actors, attempting to take our Freedoms away. They are in every System we are subjected to today – Medical, Financial, Administration, Military Industrial Complex (run by retired military). The Military is the Only Way we can be truly, ultimately Free, as God intended, and this includes being free from the threat of FEMA Camps, the JAB, the MANDATES; all to be handled by Military. Can we put our trust in the ethical, Constitutional actions of our US Military? It’s a conditional YES, for now. Not fully supported until we begin with Disclosure because only then can we know that we are truly protected under this Restored Republic Constitution.

We can hold the knowledge, deep in our hearts, that this UNITED STATES is a Nation State founded on principles of Freedom for All People, protected by the Constitution and a Great Military. This truth will be told during Disclosure, giving all of us, a springboard to launch our own stories, to family and friends, neighbors and communities. This is our main responsibility coming up soon.

Will it be before Christmas? Let’s all keep this excitement in check. It might yet. Not today though. Every day we see new changes, receive news about global events taking place that we didn’t even know we were waiting on. We are witnesses, not authors. We are key witnesses here, and that’s our only job throughout this Great Shift and Watershed Event.
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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