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Post by xotrevor »




NASA predicts that a Solar Storm might strike the Earth and cause disruption before Christmas: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/ ... disruption

WHO Head Admits Vaccines Being Used To Kill Children. The truth wants to come out and after pushing an experimental gene therapy on the public. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros admitted on camera that countries are using boosters to kill children.

In the UK rail bosses warn crucial services could be cancelled as thousands try to scramble home in time for December 25 with staffing levels decimated by Omicron. Britain’s Rail Delivery Group has said that around one in 20 train services were cancelled in the past week. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... risis.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/1 ... -services/

First we had a semiconductor shortage. Now we are on the verge of a magnesium shortage which could cause widespread aluminum shortages.

Secret Service: Almost $100 Billion Stolen in US Pandemic Relief Funds. The US govt has been swindled to the tune of nearly $100 billion. The shocking sum was fraudulently taken from the $3.5 trillion given out for programs such as Paycheck Protection and Economic Injury Disaster Loans.

US Military News Alerts Today – December, 2021. #ISRAEL – Incoming Commander of Israel’s Air Force (#IAF) Major General Tomer Bar said that Israel can attack #Iran’s nuclear facilities tomorrow if needed. https://twitter.com/military_alerts/sta ... 18016?s=28

On Wed. 22 Dec. Revolution protestors came out against CV-slavery tyranny in Hamburg, Brussels, Magdeburg, Munich Germany, Spain, Paris, London, Vienna, Melbourne Australia, Israel, Italy, Republic of Abkhazia, Tunisia, Jakarta Indonesia,

U.S. Intel Agencies Were Involved In Wuhan Lab Leak Suggest Robert F Kennedy Jr.: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/12/u ... -jr-video/

965,841 Vax injury/death report filed in the US through 10 Dec. 2021.

Everyone is about to have updated natural immunity. Existing vaccines focus on recognition of the spike protein. Suddenly new variant with 50 changes shows up. FAR outside normal deviation. 32 of them on the spike protein… meaning existing vaccine related antibodies are unlikely to recognize spike protein and block infection. This makes Omicron spread faster. But somehow it’s also more mild. If true… this is a serious threat to Fauci & Co because everyone is about to have updated natural immunity… and that means the MSM is about to have their hands full trying to help keep excuses for lockdowns going while cases plummet worldwide.

Covid Revealed – Episode 1 Dr. Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Erin Rhodes. Episode2 https://t.me/SergeantRobertHorton/11134 Episode3 https://t.me/SergeantRobertHorton/11135

Graphene has been found in vax shots as well as in Co-codamol medication.

Switzerland: There is a lot going on at the moment. Various people are reporting detonations that were perceived. The borders with Germany and Austria are getting closed. Military Everywhere – Mass Arrests Starts after Lockdown. GO GO GO HERQS
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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