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Post by xotrevor »




Trust the Plan
We are in this together.
No one person is above another.
We stand together.
Watch the [REAL] News.
Military was the Only Way.
Godspeed, Patriots.


This "movie" that we have been watching for the last 12+ months is for all of us to see what would happen if the Deep State cabal was really in control and running our nation. With tyrannical and unconstitutional lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and now vaccine passports we are all able to clearly see the true motives and intentions of their agenda. Not only are they attempting to literally run our country into the ground, they are trying to dictate and control every aspect of our lives. This is not based on my opinion, this is based on their actions over the last 12+ plus months. The only good part of what we have seen is not only how ridiculous this is, but how many people have been awakened and red pilled as a result of this disaster that has taken place in our nation by a regime that is pretending to be running our country. For anyone who does not see what is going on, stop and ask yourself this question, why would "they" try to impeach a "President" who is no longer in "office"? It's because President Trump is our current, legal, dually elected president and Commander in Chief of our nation, and he is in full control of our military and what is going on, and he is allowing this to happen so people who are sleeping can wake up. Any wise person who has a little bit of common sense can see and understand this.

For anyone who truly believes that Joe Biden is our current president and for anyone who truly believes that the Biden regime is in control of our nation, we are praying that you wake up sooner than later.

One thing appears very obvious…we are beginning to understand why The X22 Report has been called The X22 Report. Could it be, all these years, The Alliance was intentionally giving us a type of “timeline clue” in plain sight? I believe in 2022, everything will begin to manifest, “delta wise” and otherwise.

Throughout this transition, regardless to the circumstances or geopolitical uncertainties, I have sought to remain faithful, unrelenting, in my “Red Pill-ing” efforts… especially amongst family and friends.


Perhaps the movie Matrix, isn’t a Sci-fi fantasy after all. Perhaps it is a glimpse into reality.

What if for decades, we were “brainwashed” by our main stream media, public education, and other social “norms” into a fake world, a type of emotional matrix?

Believing that:

1. Our government and every three letter law enforcement agency were for the most part, a group of hardworking, dedicated, patriotic Americans, or publicly elected officials, who have sacrificed their private lives in humble service to this country.

[But in the “Red-Pill Reality” things were far more sinister: dark, devious & disgusting… that up to 80% of Republicans AND Democrats in Congress were actually corrupt, dishonest & self-absorbed… that they are only in politics for selfish financial gain… and beholden to a group of very sick, twisted, Satanic destroyers of humanity, especially children… many politicians active participants in such destruction!]

What if, for decades, we were “brainwashed” by our own Main Stream Media, public institutions and other social “norms” … forced into a “make-believe-world,” a type of digital fabrication? … Believing that…

2. The food manufacturing industry, for example, along with Big Pharma, the medical industry, etc, were coordinating all their creative business efforts to bring about the finest foods, medicines and healthcare the world has ever known.

[But in reality, outside this matrix, the precise opposite was true! In the “Red-Pill Reality,” these corporations and companies were owned or controlled by the same aforementioned puppet masters, thus distributing the exact opposite of truth as far as our health is concerned… all designed to keep us continuously sick, with ever-increasing medical cost, insurance costs & hospitalizations.]

What if for decades, we were “brainwashed,” i.e. our minds manipulated by international media coverage and other social “norms” into a false reality?… Believing that…

3. Our sacred institutions of entertainment, religion and worldwide charities are investing billions annually in solving the world’s challenges such spiritual deprivation and worldwide poverty.

[But the “Red-Pill Reality,” would make even the most emotionally detached person cry like a baby at the realization of the truth.]

Unfortunately my friend, most people, indeed billions worldwide, are frankly too exhausted emotionally or too “burnt out” mentally within their own life circumstances, to care. Most people, are locked in this “Matrix”… a fake world of the uninformed, misinformed, misled and deceived.


“The Alliance has done its best to minimize the long term “collateral damage” (spiritually, economically and terminally (deaths) as much as possible, if at all possible… A tough assignment, my friend, with an enemy who has “nothing to lose” and is hell-bent on worldwide destruction. So the basic overall strategy has been a delicate tri-fold balance of…

(1) Keeping us as Analytical Anons informed if not preoccupied,
(2) Giving the Satanic Adversary “the impression” they are winning, while
(3) Simultaneously cutting off this enemy at the knees…”one-by-one”!”


Like you, my fellow Light Warriors and Digital Soldiers, I take solace in knowing soon this “emotional matrix” will indeed be shattered forever!

Yes, our seemingly never ending “movie” is frustrating to watch… even more so as partially blindfolded participants. In other words, for now doesn’t it appear that we a have merely traded an evil and destructive matrix for a well intended movie-matrix orchestrated by The Alliance?

My personal prayer is that sooner or later, one day all false narratives will be exposed for all to see, destroyed, and obliterated… so be it. Bring it on!

Be encouraged patriots. I believe we are in the final stages of this geopolitical vortex "movie". Military manifestation is imminent.

Me? I am looking forward to a wonderful New Year… beyond the years of tears… especially for the children.

Amid all the pain & suffering, allow me to use the old adage “Merry Christmas”!
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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