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Post by xotrevor »

When the Israelites stood on the shore of the Red Sea, there were only two futures for them. They would either die at the hands of Pharaoh’s Army or find a way across the Red Sea. They were not going back to Egypt. We are in a similar situation. Trump’s first term in office burned the bridge that we might take to return to the way things used to be. This country and indeed the world will never go back to the way things used to be. The future that lies before us is either a dark and miserable prison or a bright and glorious awakening. The one we experience will be determined by us.

Remember: Hillary Clinton was the red line. America was on the verge of being destroyed in 2016 and here we stand again in 2021 seemingly back where we started. Yet we aren’t. The amount of progress we’ve made in the Great Awakening is far more significant than people think. We’ve never seen anything like this, and here’s the kicker: We’re just getting started.

You aren’t alone. The red pill fields are ripe for harvesting. It’s never been easier to show someone the truth about the world than it is now. Babylon is exposed for the world to see, and you can’t put this Awakening back in a box. Apocalypse literally means unveiling. The world is red pilled and there’s no going back.

I can affirm that there are many more awake than people think. Some have been quietly watching the red pill Fiesta that is 2020/21, soaking it all in, and going about their business with new eyes. I talked to a man the other day, and he didn’t know who I was on the internet. He told me that this entire thing with the infinite booster shots was insane. He told me how can I not be red pilled when this is all just staring at me right in my face.

And that’s the point. It’s becoming too difficult to ignore Babylon and the red pill. All for a reason, friends. Take heart. The Great Awakening is moving deeply into society. Many more victories to come. Believe it because we are winning!




This is 11+ months or hundreds of hours of collected intel and information that has been researched, collected and documented by our APF Intel team. Countless hours have been spent seeking, investigating, and collecting the truth based on the facts in videos and research every day in order to share the intel and news with you!

Red Pill refers to people having their perspective dramatically transformed or becoming enlightened to the truth about reality, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of our current government system and the corruption of the tyrannical regime that is pretending to be running our country right now.

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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