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Post by xotrevor »



Just Human #62: Biden's SOTU, Zelensky, Rus-Ukr Sitrep, Righteous Russia Part 2

Russia (Putin) >> Ukraine and China (Xi) >> Taiwan?

I do believe that Putin (Russia) and Xi (China) are working together to simultaneously take out the deep state assets and bio labs in Ukraine and Taiwan. Mike Pompeo is in Taiwan on a "special" trip right now. Don't be surprised if we see a similar military operation by China in Taiwan, like we are seeing in Ukraine, in the coming days and weeks. Optics are everything!


The Russian Embassy In Canada Put Out A Statement On Ukraine

The statement posted to Twitter on March 1 takes aim at the Western response, likening it to Nazism and accusing the West of "monstrous and inhuman provocations."

"We are witnessing an unprecedented wave of lives, fake news, distorted and fabricated facts aimed at discrediting our actions," the statement reads.

"Goebbels-style Western propaganda was predictable. It cannot be trusted. The public in Canada should understand that."



On March 3rd, 2022, Vladimir Putin has announced Russia’s independence from the Rothschild-controlled US Dollar. Word was that the Ruble would be gold-backed on the international market.

US Cabal-owned Ukraine Bio Weapons Labs Developed for Use with Nuclear Bombs have been Destroyed by Russian Military.

Aside From Deep State Corruption, Ukraine was Important Because: 1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores; 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world’s reserves); 2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons); 1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil.

Official US Defense Documents showed evidence that US Labs in the Ukraine were gathering DNA from Russian ancestry to create a bio weapon designed to wipe out Russians. ... eapons.pdf and ... 5e7df/view

The Pentagon had built US Bio-weapons Labs all around the Ukraine. There the US Army regularly produced deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.

A list of countries that have refused to associate with sanctions against Russia:

Moscow partners in the BRICS group (Brazil, India, China, South Africa). 41% of the world population.

The countries of OSC (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan).

Azerbaijan and Moldova have abandoned anti-Russian restrictions. But the most surprising thing is Georgia’s position.

Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile).

The Middle East (Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran).

The Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Hungary, yet a member of the European Union.

George Soros who has a big stake in the deep state business "assets" in Ukraine has not been seen for months. He’s only an internet front now representing the Rockefellers agenda, World Economic FOrum (WEF) and Davos. The last speech he gave was supposed to be from Davos, but it was revealed that it was not done in Davos and was filmed last summer.


Here's how far Russia is from the US... and it's closer than you think. A lot closer


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