2/18/2022 - HUGE INTEL DROP #1 (WORLD)

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2/18/2022 - HUGE INTEL DROP #1 (WORLD)

Post by xotrevor »

As long as America remains true to it’s values, loyal to it’s citizens and devoted to it’s Creator, then our best days are yet to come. I can promise you that.” …President Trump

“We’re urging a worldwide boycott for Freedom. Don’t go to work for seven days beginning Mon. 21 Feb!” …Canadian Freedom Truckers

The millions around the world participating in Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoys and peaceful demonstrations were protesting mandates that forced free citizens to inject into their own bodies experimental vaccines containing 99% Graphene Oxide (nanotechs) that have been linked to major health problems including Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, Cancer, AIDs, Autism, Neurological Disorders, Sterility, Aborted Babies and death.

Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier who was found dead 6 days ago, confirmed HIV was added to the Convid vaccines.

Medical journals have published proof that natural immunity has made vaccine mandates irrelevant, while recently Dr. Robert Malone announced, “We’ve known how to cure Covid since about March of 2020.”

So, what’s your problem Biden and Trudeau, are you afraid of losing your kickbacks?

Or, are your mandates about giving into the New World Order Depopulation Agenda?

Or, is it both?
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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