Jeffery Epstein’s & His Island: What really happened there?

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Jeffery Epstein’s & His Island: What really happened there?

Post by xotrevor »




Accusers say billionaire’s private paradise of Little St James in US Virgin Islands was centre of international sex trafficking ring


Where is the island?

Little Saint James is a roughly 70-acre island located off the coast of St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands.

Epstein purchased Little St. James in 1998.

According to the New York Times, he paid $7.95 million for the property and had Ed Tuttle, an architect known for his work on luxury resorts, design a compound there. In 2016, Epstein bought the larger Great St. James (a roughly 165-acre island also off the coast of St. Thomas) for $17.5 million. Per the Virgin Islands Daily News, he was planning to build a complex there.

In addition to visiting the islands, Epstein registered businesses in the US Virgin Islands, a tax haven. He also filed his will there, just two days before he died.

The islands were by no means his only properties. He owned a 40-room Beaux Arts townhouse in Manhattan; a large ranch in New Mexico; a home in Palm Beach, Florida; and an apartment in Paris.

Little St. James was considered Epstein's primary residence when he died.

Several women featured in the documentary allege that they were trafficked by Epstein while on the island. “It really is orgy island, because that’s what happened there. That is what that island meant to me,” says Virginia Roberts Giuffre in the film.

According to the Miami Herald, Epstein's "plane records show that during the time he was abusing young girls, he was flying former President Bill Clinton, Harvard professors and administrators, Nobel-prize winning scientists, actresses, actors, philanthropists and a who’s who of wealthy and powerful people to his island."


The guests came from across the world, and from the highest ranks of society: celebrities and scientists and members of royal families, touching down in a private jet and then boarding a helicopter to the island. Its owner liked to call it "Little St Jeff"; locals called it "paedophile island".

But what is the truth about Little St James, the 75-acre private paradise in the US Virgin Islands that billionaire sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein once called home?

The island is now at the centre of a web of lawsuits and criminal investigations seeking to untangle the life of Jeffrey Epstein, who died in prison in 2019 at the age of 66 in what authorities claimed was a suicide.

A criminal complaint from the attorney general of the US Virgin Islands, which is attempting to seize Little St James as government property, described it "the perfect hideaway and haven for trafficking young women and underage girls for sexual servitude, child abuse and sexual assault".

On this island, the complaint says, "Epstein and his associates could avoid detection of their illegal activity from Virgin Islands and federal law enforcement, and prevent these young women and underage girls from leaving freely and escaping the abuse."

Here is everything we know about Little St James and what Epstein did there:

Where is Jeffrey Epstein’s island and what is it like?

Little St James is a small island fringed by coral reefs in the bright blue waters of the US Virgin Islands, with sheltered inlets and forested groves rising to dramatic windswept ridges and craggy cliffs. It lies just off the south-eastern tip of St Thomas, one of the Caribbean archipelago’s three main islands.

The Virgins were purchased from Denmark by the US government at the height of the First World War in order to stop them being used as a German submarine base. Today many financial experts regard them as a tax haven, with huge discounts on corporation tax and personal income tax available to companies based there.

Jeffrey Epstein's private island

How the billionaire sex offender hid from public view in his Caribbean fiefdom


It was in the Virgins that Epstein registered as a sex offender in 2010, following his first conviction for child prostitution in 2008. He also based his shell companies in a small unmarked office in a seaside strip mall on St Thomas, alongside a Sam’s Mini-mart and a salon called Happy Nails.

In 1998, he bought Little St James from venture capitalist Arch Cummin via a shell company, reportedly paying just under $8 million (£6 million). The new owner quickly scoured away all the native vegetation and replaced it with 40-foot palm trees.

Starting in 2007, Epstein began a massive programme of building and remodelling that drew suspicion from local officials. His main compound nearly doubled in size, sprouting into a plush mansion with an outside terrace connecting the master bedroom and the swimming pool, along with a desalination system.

Satellite photos show a sprawling network of terraces, cottages, beach houses, swimming pools, docks, utility buildings, a helipad, a tennis court, slipways, some kind of enclosed lake or lagoon, and various huts of unknown purpose, all connected by palm-lined roads where golf buggies ferried guests from place to place (a journey across the island reportedly took about five minutes).

Stunning drone footage posted on YouTube offers a closer look, with a huge sundial at the centre of the island big enough to walk around on and two tall American flags posted at opposite ends of the island.

At the other end from Epstein’s manor is a squat, boxy blue and white striped structure often referred to as a "temple", surrounded by a terrace with a red labyrinth motif. It previously had a golden dome and two gold statues on its roof, which were reportedly torn off in Hurricane Maria.

The building differs greatly from Epstein’s original planning permit for an octagonal music pavilion, and has become a lightning rod for fevered speculation. Theorists have variously described it as the entrance to an underground lair, an altar to an Egyptian deity, a burial ground for his parents, or a site of ritual sexual abuse, but an investigation by Business Insider concluded that it was most likely a private study and music room for Epstein.

In 2016, Epstein also bought the neighbouring island of Great St James, about twice as large at 165 acres, allegedly pretending that the real buyer was a Dubai businessman named Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem. “He wasn’t well received,” one St Thomas resident told the Associated Press. “People think he’s too rich to be policed properly.”

What was life like on the island?

In the days before his 2008 conviction, Epstein would visit Little St James two or three times a month, staying several days at a time. One former employee described it as "a Zen-like retreat" where the financier would stroll around in flip-flops, with "meditative music" playing from speakers and the women often sunbathing topless.

There were always women, of course: frequently attractive, sometimes suspiciously young, on the arms of Epstein or one of his many guests or, sometimes, ferried over in groups aboard a 38-foot boat called the Lady Ghislaine, reportedly after Epstein’s longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

The island had a staff of about 70, from groundskeepers and gardeners through laundry ladies to on-call boat captains. They wore black or white polo shirts and were sworn to strict secrecy, with instructions to stay out of Epstein’s sight when doing their work. They were also forbidden to enter either of Epstein’s two offices in the main manor, one of which housed a closely guarded steel safe.

According to the LA Times, Epstein also had an enthusiasm for "pirate treasure", his name for old rum bottles and crockery found about the island. He would pay servants between $100 and $1,000 for interesting finds in good condition.


"He was a very kind man and, while I don’t approve of things he’s been accused of, I liked him very much," Miles Alexander, who together with his wife Cathy ran the island between 1999 and 2007, told the Daily Mail. "Our job was about discretion. We have a clear conscience that we didn’t witness anything untoward."

The South African couple described how Epstein did not like to eat meals in front of people, instead taking snacks to eat in his room, and would receive daily massages in his room. Disturbing him there was "absolutely forbidden", although they did once find a box of sex toys while he was out.

When they were hired, the Alexanders say they were told: "What Jeffrey Wants, Jeffrey gets."

Who did Epstein host on his island?

Of course there were always guests. Among the famous names reportedly hosted by Epstein were theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel laureate Lawrence Krauss, comedian Chris Tucker, actor Kevin Spacey, Victoria’s Secret magnate Les Wexner, model Naomi Campbell, former Tony Blair aide Lord Peter Mandelson, and Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom.

It has been claimed that Bill Clinton was also a guest, though he denies ever having been there. Donald Trump reportedly flew on one of Epstein’s private jets, but it is unclear if he visited the island. The magician David Copperfield is even said to have proposed to supermodel Claudia Schiffer there.

Guests would arrive on one of Epstein’s Gulfstream jets at Cyril E King Airport on St Thomas, in a private area separate from the main runway. They would then be shuttled to Little St James on one of Epstein’s black helicopters.


Epstein was fond of treating the guests, reportedly paying for a submarine to be modified to give a sea bed tour to Prof Hawking, who had never been underwater before. One former employee described it as "like a five star hotel where nobody paid".

Cathy Alexander remembers Prince Andrew as one of the more gracious visitors, describing him as "great fun and very undemanding". One day he returned from the beach in "great mirth": one of his companions had stepped on a sea urchin and he had urinated on her foot to salve it.

Ms Alexander recalls him slipping her a $350 tip – which was "unexpected, because other guests didn’t".

Didn't anyone notice Epstein's alleged sex trafficking?

Certainly they did. From the start, locals on St Thomas whispered darkly about Epstein’s activities, calling his private jets "the Lolita Express". When scuba divers swam near the island, security guards would reportedly appear to patrol the edge of the water.

At one point, Epstein was ferrying about 200 workers back and forth every day to build his projects. “When he was there, it was keep to yourself and do your thing,” one of them told the Associated Press, adding that the mogul would sometimes give away old material or surplus material.

Airport staff on St Thomas could see who Epstein was bringing with him on the Express. “On multiple occasions I saw Epstein exit his helicopter, stand on the tarmac in full view of my tower, and board his private jet with children – female children,” a former air traffic controller told Vanity Fair.

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“My colleagues and I definitely talked about how we didn’t understand how this guy was still allowed to be around children. We didn’t say anything because we figured law enforcement was doing their job. That is regrettable, but we really didn’t even know who to tell, or if anyone really cared."

Another airstrip employee said: "There’d be girls that look like they could be in high school. They looked very young. They were always wearing college sweatshirts. It seemed like camouflage, that’s the best way to put it.

“I could see him with my own eyes. I compared it to seeing a serial killer in broad daylight. I called it the face of evil.... it was like he was flaunting it." Sometimes the girls would be carrying shopping bags from designer brands such as Gucci and Dior.

The Alexanders also grew suspicious. "They looked like they had stepped out of an underwear catalogue," Cathy told the Mail. "They walked around with very few clothes on or lounged around by the pool with nothing on. It was like that most of the time. I was concerned about their ages. A few of them looked very young and I couldn’t help but wonder if their mothers knew where they were."

Miles Alexander added that he had sometimes had to refuse Epstein’s requests to smuggle in female guests by boat without logging their names and passport numbers with the government of St Thomas.

The couple’s unease grew until they finally quit in 2007. "In our final meeting, [Epstein] told me I had always been his conscience," Alexander said. "I’m certainly battling with my conscience now."

What really happened on Epstein's island?
That is the subject of multiple ongoing court cases, but the accusations are shocking.

According to a lawsuit filed by Prince Andrew’s accuser, Virginia Giuffre, Little St James was the centre of a worldwide grooming scheme in which recruiters working for Epstein targeted young women who were open to abuse and manipulation, played on their hopes and fears, dazzled them with "displays of vast weath and power", and then force them to have sex with clients while keeping them in line with threats and blackmail.

Ms Giuffre says that Prince Andrew sexually abused her on Little St James when she was 17, which the prince "unequivocally denies".

The Virgin Islands attorney general’s office makes similar claims, saying: "Between 2001 and 2019 the Epstein Enterprise transported underage girls and young women to the Virgin Islands, who were then taken via helicopter or private vessel to Little St James where they were deceptively subjected to sexual servitude, forced to engage in sexual acts and coerced into commercial sexual activity and forced labour...

"To accomplish his illegal ends, Epstein formed an association with multiple defendants and others (both companies and individuals, who were willing to participate in, facilitate, and conceal Epstein’s criminal activity in exchange for Epstein’s bestowal of financial and other benefits, including sexual services and forced labour from victims."

In fact, the complaint describes Little St James as just one step in a worldwide web of private flights that ferried sex trafficking victims to London, Paris, Tangier, Granada, St Louis, Palm Beach, Atlantic City and beyond. It says some victims were as young as 12.

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The complaint also alleges that Little St James served as a prison for the victims, with Epstein controlling all communication with the outside world. It says one 15-year-old tried to escape by swimming, but Epstein organised a search party, recaptured her and confiscated her passport.

"Remember, he owns a whole island," said attorney general Denise George in 2020. "So it wasn’t a situation where a child or a young woman would be able to just break away and run down the street to the nearest police station."

One alleged victim told CBS News that she had been raped in Epstein’s office in St Thomas, and that he had a gun strapped to the bedpost in his bedroom on Little St James. The complaint says Epstein kept a computerised list of underage girls in or near the Virgin Islands who could be brought to the island.

Why didn't anyone do anything?

Authorities made several attempts to investigate Little St James. As a sex offender, he was required to re-register every year, and officials did try to visit Little St James in 2018 to verify his address.

But according to the attorney general's complaint, Epstein refused the officers entry at the dock, claiming it was his "front door", and insisted on meeting them in his office on St Thomas. He also made employees sign confidentiality agreements that banned them from talking to law enforcement and required them to report any inquiries to Epstein.

"Monitoring a sex offender with his own private islands and the resources to fly victims in and out on private planes and helicopters represented unique challenges and allowed the Epstein Enterprise to limit scrutiny," the complaint says.

In addition, both Little St James and Great St James are protected areas due to their coral reefs and wildlife. Local planning officials suspected Epstein of exceeding his building permits, and the attorney general's complaint says that he was fined thousands of dollars for breaking environmental rules, yet that kind of money was nothing to Epstein.

In fact, the complaint argues that Epstein's purchase of Great St James was simply a ruse to hide what was happening on Little St James. "The Epstein Enterprise purchased the island for more than $20 million because participants wanted to ensure that it did not become a base from which others could view their activities or visitors," it says.

"Epstein purchased these properties to further shield his conduct from view, prevent his detection by law enforcement or the public, and allow him to continue and conceal his criminal enterprise."

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What will happen to the island now?
The government of the Virgin Islands has asked a judge to give it control of Little St James and Great St James, along with all other assets used to carry out the alleged sex trafficking operation.

Epstein’s executors are fighting that request, saying they want to use his assets to set up a relief fund for sexual assault victims. They want the Virgin Islands government to unfreeze his two islands so they can sell them off.

Ms George countered by accusing them mismanaging the estate and paying “for lawyers, landscaping, and helicopter fees, but not the brave women who have stepped forward to participate in the compensation fund”.

Meanwhile, Little St James has become a hotspot for morbid tourists, "urban explorers" and social media influencers attempting to access the island and make videos. Travelers frequently ask about it, and some local boat operators make it part of their tours.

Vernon Morgan, a taxi driver on St Thomas, told the Associated Press that he would rather people left it alone. "It brought some kind of notoriety to the Virgin Islands," he said. "We would much rather that the Virgin Islands be seen in a different light.”

LITTLE ST JAMES 2019 - Google Drive of pictures from Epstein's island:



Nearly 11 months after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on July 6th, 2019 at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey on multiple charges related to sex trafficking, a new documentary called Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, explores his life and crimes, and allows victims to tell their side of the story. One episode of the four-part series focuses primarily on Epstein's private island in the Caribbean. Here's what we know about the place which Epstein referred to as "Little St. Jeff's," but some locals called "Pedophile Island."

















Here Is Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book


Donald Trump, Courtney Love, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and uber-lawyer Alan Dershowitz may have been identified by a butler as potential "material witnesses" to pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's crimes against young girls, according to a copy of Epstein's little black book

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet
Bill Clinton took repeated trips on the " Lolita Express"


An annotated copy of the address book, which also contains entries for Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, Griffin Dunne, New York Post gossip Richard Johnson, Ted Kennedy, David Koch, filmmaker Andrew Jarecki, and all manner of other people you might expect a billionaire to know, turned up in court proceedings after Epstein's former house manager Alfredo Rodriguez tried to sell it in 2009. About 50 of the entries, including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices as well as Trump, Love, Barak, Dershowitz, and others, were circled by Rodriguez. (The existence of the book has been previously reported by the Daily Mail. Gawker is publishing it in full here for the first time; we have redacted addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and the last names of individuals who may have been underage victims.)


According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within it as the "Holy Grail" or "Golden Nugget" to unraveling Epstein's sprawling child-sex network. But despite having been subpoenaed for everything he had on his former boss, Rodriguez didn't share it with the FBI or Palm Beach Police Department detectives investigating Epstein. Instead, he tried to make a $50,000 score by covertly peddling the black book to one of the attorneys launching lawsuits at Epstein on behalf of his victims.

The plot backfired when the attorney reported Rodriguez to the FBI, and he was promptly charged with obstruction of justice. But not before he had, according to the FBI affidavit laying out the crime, marked up the book and an accompanying notepad with "handwritten notes" that contained "information material to the underlying investigation that would have been extremely useful in investigating and prosecuting the case, including the names and contact information of material witnesses and additional victims."

Rodriguez, who spent 18 months in prison, died in December after a long illness and never spoke out about the address book, so the precise significance of the names he circled remains fuzzy. But the FBI's case against him makes clear that Rodriguez regarded the address book as crucial to understanding Epstein's crimes; during a conversation with an undercover FBI agent posing as a potential buyer, he "discussed in detail the information contained in the book, and identified important information" to the agent.

In addition to the names above, as well as scores of apparent underage victims in Florida, New Mexico, California, Paris, and the United Kingdom listed under the rubric of "massage," the circled entries include:

  • Billionaire Leslie Wexner
  • Former New Mexico Governor Bruce King
  • Former New Mexico Governor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson
  • Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros
  • Former Miss Sweden and socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin

Some of the circled entries include additional notes—one address in New York City, for instance, is marked as an "apt. for models," and two names bear the marking "witness."

Asked why Rodriguez might have circled his name, Alan Dershowitz told Gawker, "I've never seen the book and I have no idea what it means. I was neither a victim nor a material witness—I never witnessed any crimes or participated in any crimes, and I can prove it."

Virginia Roberts, one of Epstein's alleged victims, has claimed in repeated court filings that Epstein instructed her to have sex with Dershowitz on several occasions, charges that Dershowitz categorically denies.

Trump, through a spokesperson, said, "Mr. Trump only knew Mr. Epstein as Mr. Trump owns the hottest and most luxurious club in Palm Beach, [redacted], and Mr. Epstein would go there on occasion."

Although Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have been mentioned in connection with Epstein's sordid deeds, their names aren't circled in the black book. But Epstein did have 21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton, as well as several contact numbers for the prince.

Here is Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book:
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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