Exposing The Truth While Unmasking the Shadows: Embracing Covert Measures to Unravel the Cabal's Grip and Eliminate Corr

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Exposing The Truth While Unmasking the Shadows: Embracing Covert Measures to Unravel the Cabal's Grip and Eliminate Corr

Post by xotrevor »

We are finally at a point in time according to the plan where we can finally release this information to the public. Until now, we could not release this information for obvious reasons.

Throughout the past century, individuals who openly challenged the cabal have faced severe consequences, ranging from assassination and disappearance to threats and character assassination resulting in ruined careers. Consequently, any genuine attempt to combat the ever-expanding grip of corruption and malevolence on society had to be carried out in utmost secrecy. Those involved in such endeavors had to undergo thorough vetting to ensure their loyalty and reliability. This covert approach enabled the good guys, the white hats, to establish and expand their clandestine network while meticulously strategizing their plan to dismantle the cabal. It is crucial to acknowledge the significant role played by the Q operation in this plan. The operation provided a means for communication and dissemination of information to the public, allowing President Trump and his team to connect with We The People. The incessant attacks on Q by the left and the mainstream media can be attributed to their awareness of this influential aspect of the plan. The circumstances surrounding the cabal necessitated a covert strategy to combat its influence. This approach allowed the white hats to build a network in secrecy, carefully plan their actions, and leverage the Q operation to communicate with the public. The vehement opposition from the left and mainstream media towards Q is a testament to its significance in the larger plan to dismantle the cabal and restore integrity in our nation.

The extensive list of cautionary measures compiled by the white hats in their quest to challenge the cabal is likely quite lengthy, whereas the number of viable options at their disposal is relatively limited. Ultimately, they had to carefully navigate their actions to avoid arousing suspicion within the cabal. One crucial strategy they employed was an extensive employment of psychological operations, or psyops, mirroring the very tactics the cabal had employed for decades. This approach effectively kept the cabal guessing and off-balance, as they were left uncertain about the true nature of events and the subsequent course of action. Additionally, these psyops served to awaken the public by subjecting them to an increasing number of psychological manipulations from various sources, highlighting the blatant and obvious nature of such operations.

Another key aspect was the acceleration of their timeline, cranking up the intensity to the maximum. This initiative, known as Operation Warp Speed, aimed to counteract the cabal's meticulously planned 16-year agenda with a compressed 12-year plan. The design included three terms for President Trump, the first term, the second term as a period of devolution or continuity of government, and the third term. During Trump's initial term, significant efforts were made to reverse the damage caused by the Obama administration, effectively setting the cabal back by eight years. Simultaneously, the first four years of what would have been Hillary Clinton's eight-year tenure were transformed into a military sting operation to establish the necessary constitutional foundations. As a result, the cabal was left with a mere four years to complete their 16-year plan, which has proven to be an insurmountable challenge given the swift pace of opposition and the public's growing resistance. Trump's second term, the devolution term, involved the military assuming control of the country while Trump operated covertly "behind the scenes". This phase has been ongoing since January 20, 2021, when the "actor Joe Biden" was "inaugurated." Trump's third term, from January 20, 2025, to 2028, will focus on the cleanup phase, during which the deep state cabal will be destroyed, and their system of power will be dismantled. It is essential to recognize that this operation to take down the cabal and restore integrity to the system was never intended to be a mere few-year endeavor; it is a comprehensive 12-year plan that encompasses multiple phases.

The white hats faced a challenging dilemma, they couldn't simply disclose everything and apprehend the bad guys due to the complex nature of the cabal's operations. Instead, they opted for a strategic approach rooted in psyops and principles derived from The Art of War. This decision involved subjecting the public to the cabal's plans in real-time as a wake-up call. By accelerating the cabal's plan and forcing it into the public eye, the white hats sought to expose the cabal's true intentions. This approach was the only viable option that the cabal was unprepared to counter. Moreover, it served as a means to awaken the public in real-time, ensuring their awareness and engagement in the forthcoming physical takedown of the cabal.

Revealing the entirety of the cabal's activities and immediately apprehending its members would not have been feasible. The cabal's network was deeply entrenched, and a direct confrontation would have likely triggered countermeasures that could have jeopardized the overall mission. Therefore, the strategic deployment of psyops, art of war tactics and a sped-up timeline allowed the white hats to expose the cabal's plans gradually, drawing public attention and support. The goal of this approach was to mobilize public sentiment against the cabal and garner widespread support for the imminent physical takedown. By gradually revealing the cabal's true nature and intentions, the white hats could ensure that the public was fully awakened and onboard with the necessary actions to dismantle the cabal's influence.

If impatience arises and questions emerge about the duration of the process, a deeper understanding of the objectives and reasons behind the timeline can provide reassurance. Rest assured, the endeavor currently underway will be immensely worthwhile. However, it is important to recognize the complexities involved, which contribute to the perceived length of the operation. In the interim, individuals are encouraged to take proactive steps within their local communities to effect positive change. The call to action is clear: we require the collective effort of all individuals to make a meaningful impact. Every contribution matters, and with everyone's involvement, we can amplify our influence and accelerate progress.

While it may be tempting to seek immediate results, it is crucial to comprehend the magnitude of the challenge and the comprehensive approach being undertaken. The process involves dismantling deeply rooted structures of power, rectifying long-standing injustices, and restoring integrity to the system. Such endeavors require meticulous planning, strategic coordination, and the gathering of irrefutable evidence to ensure a successful outcome. It is worth reiterating that this journey is not one that can be rushed. It demands perseverance, patience, and unwavering determination. The actions being taken are aimed at uprooting corruption, exposing hidden agendas, and ensuring a sustainable transformation that benefits our nation as a whole.

So, in the midst of anticipation, channel your energy into constructive efforts within your local community. Engage with like-minded individuals, contribute to initiatives that promote positive change, and amplify the collective voice calling for justice and accountability. By working together, we can make a significant difference. Ultimately, trust that the process is underway and progressing steadily. Each step taken, no matter how incremental it may appear, contributes to the end game goal. The wait will undoubtedly prove worthwhile as we witness the restoration of integrity, transparency, and justice in our Republic.

If you don't know what the 16-Year Plan To Destroy America is or if you have never heard about it, this is a video explaining the Cabal's 16-year plan to destroy America.

http://americanpatriotsocial.com/video1 ... y-america/

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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