Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »

Lawlessness, corruption, control, and manipulation are not a part of the foundational fabric of America. These atrocious actions resemble a character of evil, tyranny and dictatorship that we are now facing in America.

But regardless of what we are facing, these actions have no place in the land of the free called America.

For decades, our adversaries have used these tactics as a method to attack the core, foundational principles of the sovereign people of a free nation called America from the inside out.

The number one goal of our adversaries is to first eliminate our Constitution, and then to restrict or remove the very rights and freedom that are upheld by the United States Constitution.

Once We The People lose control of our freedom, our prosperity and our freedom of choice, the will of We The People will be denied, and the people will be denied the constitutional rights and freedoms by the public elected servants they elected to govern them who have turned to corruption, it's a sure sign that evil, control and tyranny have set in. And we as American's are facing evil, control and tyranny today more than any other time in our nation.


As a red-blooded Americans, we have a responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution and every principle and truth written in it.

As a true patriot, we have a responsibility to take action now. In order to take action, we must enlisted in God's army.

Are you ready and prepared for this battle?

Are you ready to wage work on God's behalf against all the enemies and all the tyrants that we are facing both here on American soil and abroad?

Do you have the full armor of God on?

Do you have faith to know that the armor of God will protect you and sustain you throughout this battle?

We are in the midst of a fierce war, not a war of bullets and blood, (not yet anyway) but an information war.

Only those who stand up and fight for our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens and never back down are the ones who are strong and courageous (Patriots) because they have the courage, strength and freedom that God gives them to be bold to stand up, speak the truth, and never relent no matter the cost or the sacrifice. Those who bow down and submit to the political elite establishments oppressive rule are the ones who are weak because they do what they are told even if it goes against our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens. It's time we as Patriots take a stand for the future of our nation and our future generations because if we don't, nobody else will. We can't just stand by and allow the political elite establishment to take over our nation and strip us from our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens, and we can't rely on those who bow down and submit to the political elite establishments oppressive rule. We need to stand together and unite as American citizens and Patriots today, right now and rise above the clutter and the noise of the corrupt Washington establishment. With God's strength, His courage, and His grace, we can and will overcome this evil and corrupt Washington establishment once and for all. And when it is all said and done, and when they have been defeated, (The evil and corrupt Washington establishment) will fully understand and realize that we are strong soldiers of God and that we will never back down or relent from our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens. They will understand and realize that we are the majority (good), and they are the minority (evil) not according to us but according to God. And they will realize that they were not defeated by us but by God, and they will see with their own eyes how God used us to defeat them and how God gave us the strength and courage to stand up, to be bold, and to be victorious over them and for God and His kingdom. As Patriots and strong soldiers, we must be strong for those who are weak, we must speak the truth with love to those who are believing the lies and being deceived by the evil and corrupt Washington establishment, and we must be there to lift those up who are being controlled and told what to do and how to live. We must pray for those who are blinded who don't see the light, we must pray that they will open their eyes and wake up, so they can see the truth, know the truth and live their lives according to the truth of God's Word and not according to the ways of the evil and corrupt Washington establishment.

When more people in this nation choose to become a part of the solution to help the growth and strength of our nation to move our republic forward instead of choosing to be a part of the problem and hinder the growth and strength of our nation and hold our republic back regardless of the color of our skin, our ethnic background, our religious views, or our political preferences we will become a better, stronger, more prosperous and more unified nation under God. The problems in our nation start when the government "The Washington Establishment" controls and dictates the choices and decisions of "We The People" and what "We The People" can say, what "We The People" can do, and how "We The People" live our lives. When the government attempts to take away our God given rights and freedoms that is where the line gets drawn and that is when "We The People" must stand up and never back down to the power hungry and greedy "Washington Establishment". When the government has the power over "We The People" and when the government has control over "We The People" that is not true freedom that is a controlled dictatorship. The solution to our problems must start by giving the power back to "We The People" and by allowing "We The People" to choose how we live, what we do and by allowing us to make our own choices and decisions according to our God given rights and freedoms as American citizens. The United States Constitution was not written to give the government power and control of "We The People, it was written to give "We The People" the power and control of "our" nation.

We The People have the power, that means We The People need to quit sitting around and expecting everyone else to do something to fix our problems. It means that We The People need to get up, stand up and take action today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, or even next year, but TODAY! It means that We The People need to stop allowing the corrupt Washington Establishment to instill fear within us that causes us to back down from standing up and fighting for our God given rights and freedoms. They do not control us, even though they think they do. They do not dictate or control, how we live, where we live, what we do, and how we choose to live our lives even though they think they do. We The People have all been given our rights and freedoms from God, We The People have also been given the strength, the courage, the boldness and the determination by God to stand up for what we believe in and take action to do what is right. President Trump is leading the way and setting the example, but he cannot and will not do it on his own. He needs patriots like We The People to stand up and each do their part at the local level. United We The People stand firm, strong, and tall, but divided We The People fail, falter, and fall. It's a choice each of us need to make today if we want to stand up, be bold, speak the truth, and take action today to make a difference or choose to just remain sitting and doing nothing and expecting everyone else to fix our problems. We are at a crossroads folks, we are fighting the same type of war that our founding fathers fought, just on a different battlefield. Our founding fathers fought with guns and bullets, we are fighting an information war. And even though the battlefield might be different from the one our founding fathers fought on, the purpose, the reason, and the end result is the same, to stand up and fight for our God given rights and freedoms as Americans and to defend, preserve, and protect our God given rights and freedoms and our way of living. And just like our founding fathers, if we choose to not stand up and fight to preserve, protect, and defend our God given rights and freedoms and if we allow ourselves as a nation to fail, falter, and fall, we will have no country, and we will have no rights and freedoms that we are entitled to by God, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves. We must go beyond thinking about ourselves and the here and now, we must put our wants, our needs, and our desires on the back burner. We must think about our future generations, our children, our grand children, and our great grand children, we need to set the example for them just like our founding fathers did for us. We are living in a time when God has given us the strength, the courage, the boldness, and the opportunity to stand up, to make a difference to shape the future of our nation.

The first question I have for you today is what choice are you going to make? What is God calling you to do? Is He calling you to step up to be a leader in your community? Is He calling you to be courageous and take action? Is He calling you to be bold? Are you going to stand up and Obey Him? Or are you going to stay sitting down and take the easy path and remain where you are and let everyone else fix the problems in our nation?

If there was ever a time for Patriots to stand up and unite together, now is that time.

“We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty,” or Good vs evil.

The second question I have for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and my fellow American Patriots is this...

Are you ready and willing to uphold the United States Constitution and every principle and truth written in it?

Are you ready and prepared for this battle?

Are you ready to wage work on God's behalf against all the enemies and all the tyrants that we are facing both here on American soil and abroad?

Do you have the full armor of God on?

United together by God, we as American Patriots, can make a difference in this nation - One person, one vote, one county, and one state at a time!

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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