My Purpose and my obedience to God by speaking the truth!

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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My Purpose and my obedience to God by speaking the truth!

Post by xotrevor »

One thing that I've come to realize is that my purpose for God speaking to me about getting into politics in early 2020 was to speak the truth and to bring awareness to people about all the things that are going on. It's been very obvious that people don't always agree with the truth or don't like the truth. And it's also very obvious that I have not always been a person that every person likes to be around because I do speak the truth and I do bring awareness, and it's all the result of my obedience to God. Is it easy? No. Is it enjoyable? No. Is it popular? No. Is it worth it to obey God in order to speak the truth and bring awareness to people? Absolutely! And honestly, as a result of my obedience to God by speaking the truth, I'm really learning people's true intentions and their heart. I'm learning that there's a lot of people in the state that talk the talk, but they certainly don't walk the walk.

I'm learning that there's a lot of people who claim to be Christians and claim to be honest people and claim to do the right thing, but their actions reveal something completely different. And I'm learning that there is a small percentage of people who are not only honest who not only do the right thing, but they also walk the walk they don't just talk the talk. It's very sad that this number of people is a smaller percentage of the vast majority of people in our state. But these people know who they are they know that they are doing the right thing, they know that they are being honest and truthful in everything they do. These people I like to call the "remnant" because it is a small percentage of people that make a choice every day to do the right thing not just based on what they say but based on what they do. And in fact, I believe this small amount of people which I call the "remnant" are the true patriots who are actually standing and taking action to make a difference to save our state from the corrupt tyrants on both sides of the aisle in our state.

I never questioned why God has chosen me for this task for such a time as this, I never doubted that He has called me to step up to speak the truth and to bring awareness to people. As many of us know, we're living in a very critical and unique time in the history of our state and in the history of our nation. And I truly believe that there are a lot of people who God is commanding to step up and take action, but they are refusing and resisting, which is complete disobedience to God. We have four months until the August primary, and 7 months until the general election in November. And there is a lot of work to be done in a short period of time. But God is in control, and He is outside of time, and He can make things happen much faster than we ever thought possible. But at the end of the day, He needs people who He is calling to step up and take action.

Stop and think about the sacrifice that the patriots made for all of us back in 1776, 246 years ago? We have been given an opportunity of a lifetime to step up and do the same for our future generations. There is no doubt that we are living during a very crucial and historical time in our nation as tyranny, evil and corruption are at an all-time high. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of an information war, there is no doubt that we are fighting for our God given rights and freedoms, and there is no doubt that we are literally fighting for the survival of our republic from communism.

My question for you today is this, what is God calling you to do to step up and are you willing to obey Him no matter how difficult, no matter how challenging, no matter how unpopular, and no matter the cost and no matter the sacrifice? Are you willing to obey God and take action for the sake of our state, for the sake of the people of Michigan, and for the sake of our future generations?

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Forums
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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