Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »

Are you a Christian who is seeking God, relying on Him, and trusting Him and His plan according to His time?

Is God calling you to step up and step out of your comfort zone and do something that will not be easy? Is God calling you to do something that will take courage and boldness? Is God calling you to do something that will take effort, commitment, and dedication? Is God calling you to do something that will cause you to travel an uphill, narrow path that is less traveled? Is God calling you to do something that will separate you and make you stand out from others? And, Is God calling you to do something that will not make you popular with others?

Are you a true servant of God who is ready and willing to take action and obey God by using the gifts, talents, skills and abilities that He has given you to make a positive difference in your community?

Or do you call yourself a "Christian" who is making a choice to go about your life, your way, in your time according to the way you want to live your life according to your wants and needs and let others step up in your place and take action to help make the necessary changes that need to be made in our nation?

This is the difference between a true servant of God who takes action by walking the walk and those who call themselves a "Christian" who only talk the talk. This is the difference between obedience and disobedience, this is the difference between someone who is being used by God and someone who could be used by God. And this is the difference between someone who is being used by God as a vessel in which He can work in and through them to make a difference in the lives of others and someone who He can't use because of their disobedience as a result of their choice to live their lives their own way and do their own thing instead of obeying God.

We are living in a very unique and a very special time in the history of our nation. What we are currently experiencing and living through will be remembered and talked about for generations to come.

What is God calling you to do? Is He calling you to step up to be a leader in your community? Is He calling you to be courageous and take action? Is He calling you to be bold? Are you going to stand up and Obey Him? Or are you going to stay sitting down and take the easy path and remain where you are and let everyone else fix the problems in our nation?

I invite you to be bold, be courageous, and stand with us and unite together as patriots and as American citizens to protect and preserve our God given rights and freedoms without being told what we can do, what we can say, where we can go and how we can live our lives.

We were born for this, we were made for this, and we were given the gift of boldness, courage, and resilience to stand up and speak the truth, and to never back down no matter how difficult, no matter how challenging, and no matter the cost or sacrifice. These special gifts were given to us not from the world but from God. And even though we are in this world, we are not of this world, we are servants of God who were placed in this world for such a time as this to serve a specific purpose not according to the world but according to God. It is very important that each and every one of us always remember who we are in Christ, who we truly represent, and who we are serving when we face tough and difficult battles and when we feel like stopping, quitting, or giving up. And not according to our will, our way or in our time but according to God's will, His way, His time and according to His purpose!

Trevor Winchell
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Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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