Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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Post by xotrevor »

It's VERY important to remember the words of our Founding Fathers that our adversaries want us to forget completely... And if we dare post these important words or even reference them they will "censor" or even ban us. Why? Becase they know these words are true and they are threatned by them, that's why! And this is this is one of the main reasons why in 1965, laws were passed in congress to remove God, The Bible, and Prayer to not only from all public schools across our land but they were also banned from being allow in schools. And ever since then we have seen a literal downward spiral in our nation and a huge decline in morality in practially every area of life.

The purpose of the founders’ ingenious division of church and state was neither to weaken the importance of faith nor to set up a secular state, but to open up the public space of society to a common American morality.

Religious institutions, which were influential before the American Revolution, became powerful witnesses for the advancement of equality, freedom, opportunity, and human dignity.

• The American Revolution might not have taken place or succeeded without the moral ideas spread through the pulpits, sermons, and publications of Christian instructors. On the nation’s 150th Independence Day celebration, President Calvin Coolidge said that the principles of the Declaration of Independence were found in the text, the sermons and the writings of the early colonial clergy who were earnestly undertaking to instruct their congregations in the great mystery of how to live. They preached equality because they believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. They justified freedom by the text that we are all created in the divine image, all partakers of the divine spirit.

• Even before the eighteenth century, Quakers and the faithful of other denominations, drawing on the Bible and on philosophy, began a crusade to abolish race-based slavery in the colonies. Anti-slavery literature was largely faith-based and spread through the free states via churches. One of the most famous anti-slavery writers in history, Harriet Beecher Stowe, was the devout daughter of a great American reformist clergyman and wife of a well-known theologian. Her worldwide best-seller, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, fired the moral indignation of millions that helped lay the ground for abolition.

• America’s greatest reform movements have been founded or promoted by religious leaders and laypersons reared in faithful home environments. Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton in the early nineteenth century set up orphanages and established free schools for poor girls. The tireless effort to end Jim Crow and extend civil and voting rights to African Americans and other minorities was driven by clergy and lay faithful of a multitude of denominations, including most prominently the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., who used nonviolent tactics to advocate for equal rights. The Pro-Life Movement today is led by clergy and the faithful of virtually every denomination.

• Local religious leaders have been a key buttress supporting our communities. Neighborhood and parish churches, temples, and mosques still are the strongest organized centers of help for the local poor, jobless, homeless, and families down on their luck. For generations, neighbors have assisted neighbors through church networks, helping the needy avoid the dehumanization of prolonged dependency on government welfare. Today, countless men and women actively feed and care for the poor, house and speak for immigrants and the disadvantaged, minister to jailed and released criminals, and advocate powerfully for a better society and a more peaceful world, supported by the charitable funding of Americans of all faiths.

• Clergy of various denominations have sacrificed career goals and risked their lives in order to minister to men and women serving in the armed forces. The brave soldiers who protect America against foreign dangers depend on the corps of military chaplains who help cultivate the warriors’ courage, inner strength, and perseverance they need to succeed in their missions. Religious chaplains open every session of Congress, and clergy pray at presidential inaugurals, state funerals, and other official occasions.

The United States has journeyed far since its founding. While the founders certainly had disagreements about the nature of religion, they had little doubt that faith was essential to the new experiment in self-government and republican constitutionalism. They knew that citizens who practiced the faith under the protection of religious liberty would support the Constitution that embodies their rights.

The shared morality of faithful citizens would sustain a republican culture that would foster stable family relationships and encourage important virtues like fortitude to defend the nation in war, self-restraint over physical appetites or lust for wealth, compassion toward neighbors and strangers in need, self-disciplined labor, intellectual integrity, independence from long-term reliance on private or public benefits, justice in all relationships, prudence in judging the common good, courage to defend their rights and liberties, and finally, piety towards the Creator whose favor determines the well-being of society.

We have arrived at a point where the most influential part of our nation finds these old faith-based virtues dangerous, useless, or perhaps even laughable. At the same time, many Americans feel that we have veered off the path that has brought so many happiness and success, and fear a growing factionalism cannot be overcome merely by electing a different president or political party. How can America overcome this partisan divide?

The answer to this rising concern must begin by frankly and humbly admitting that the common ground of equal natural rights on which our common morality is based is no longer visible to many Americans. We must refocus on the proposition that united this nation from the beginning: the proposition of the Declaration of Independence that there are "self-evident truths" which unite all Americans under a common creed.


When people of God (Elohim) don't get involved in politics, the result is all the evilness, corruption and tyranny we are seeing in our government today. In 1965, laws were passed by our very own government to remove God (Elohim), prayer, and the bible from schools across our great nation. As a result, our nation took a major downward spiral ever since that we have not "yet" recovered from.

For far too long, we have set politics aside and allowed the so-called politicians to have free rein on what they did. While we sat on the sidelines, the so-called politicians made choices and decisions that were not in the best interest of We The People.

We have lived our lives, went about our business and enjoyed the fruits of our labor while the government has been secretly working behind the scenes to undermine, manipulate and destroy our country and restrict or strip away our God-given our rights and freedoms from the inside out which has allowed them to get us into the mess we are currently facing today.

In fact, it's very similar to what has taken place in our school systems. We have allowed educators to make choices and decisions for our children that clearly have not had the best interest of our children as the main priority. I mean, think about it for a minute, no God (Elohim) in our schools and no parents involved in the politics of how our schools are run and operated in what is being taught and look at the result. Not only do we have common core math, critical race theory (CRT), and social emotional learning (SEL), and in some schools they are teaching our children about same-sex marriages, sex changes and even transgenderism. Not to mention communism.

And as a result, lawmakers for decades have been passing laws that do not have the best interest of our children at heart. These laws are not only unconstitutional, they are not acceptable or fair to our children. And the fact of the matter is that most of these laws that have been passed over the years regarding education that has not only hindered the growth of our children, but it's also paved the way for communism to be taught to our children in school which has led to the spiritual and moral decline among school aged children in both elementary and high schools across our nation.

We all know that teaching children from an early age severely impacts their growth, their thought process, and how they make choices and decisions later in life. So it's no surprise that the government has been trying to infiltrate our children through the public school system at a very early age for decades.

Most of what is being allowed in our schools today is not acceptable, it is not healthy or fair for our children. What is and what has been allowed in our schools for a very long time is actually hindering the growth of our children and of our society. For decades now, public schools in America have been dumbing down our children and stripping the rights of our children to be able to learn all the necessary fundamental principles of life that they need to learn in order to grow and be productive as adults. This is exactly why any parent who steps up to speak the truth or protect their children is labeled as a domestic terrorist, etc.

And don't even get me started on the lack of real American history that has been taught for decades even to my generation about the true history of our nation. There is so much that has been withheld from us for obvious reasons. For decades, we've had a corrupt government (Deep State Cabal) that has been trying to rewrite American history, while trying to erase the original rich history of America since the founding of our nation in 1776. I won't go into great detail about this, but I do highly recommend that you do yourself a favor and do some deep research on the District of Columbia Organic act of 1871, and the true reason for the "14th Amendment", you will learn a lot about the truth. We have a lot of documentation and videos on this if you would like to learn more please contact me.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriot Social
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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