All I am going to say is this...

Trevor Winchell For Michigan House of Representatives District 98 - 2022
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All I am going to say is this...

Post by xotrevor »

All I am going to say is this...

Good always prevails over evil,
The truth always prevails over lies,
Wisdom always prevails over foolishness,
Faith always prevails over fear,
Humility always prevails over pride,
Freedom always prevails over control,
Honesty always prevail over dishonesty,
Respect always prevails over disrespect.

God is in control, everything happens according to His plan and His time. Justice is coming!!!

Everyone has the free will to choose:

Good or evil,
The truth or lies,
Wisdom or foolishness,
Faith or fear,
Humility or pride,
Freedom or control,
Honesty or dishonesty,
Respect or disrespect.

What we choose determines our mindset, our perspective, our outlook, our actions, the way we react and respond to difficulties and challenges and the way we live our lives.

But remember, our choices are the result of decisions we have made. And what we choose is what we get. We only have one life to live, so it's important to make wise choices that not only affect our lives, but often our choices also affect the lives of others.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriots Forum
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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