Why is President Trump is pushing the vaccine?

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Why is President Trump is pushing the vaccine?

Post by xotrevor »


For those who are wondering why is President Trump is pushing the vaccine - MUST WATCH/LISTEN!

Watch Video: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/Zfjdo2


NOTE: Everyone must understand, there are two different types of vaccines!

The Vaccine that President Trump produced and the Deep State / Bill Gates / Fauci Vaccine!

President Trump's Vaccine - Ingredients: Hydroxychloroquine / Ivermectin / Azithromycin / Doxycycline / Zinc

Deep State's Vaccine - Ingredients: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/I ... O-VACCINES


Then read the following:

Use logic.

If every single person took a dose of either Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin/Zinc or Ivermectin/Doxycycline/Zinc at the beginning of the pandemic, nobody would have died, and no lockdown would have been necessary.

Both virtually have a 100% success rate in treating the virus within 48 hours if administered correctly.

Fauci knew this. The MSM knew this. They ALL knew. But that would have ruined the plan to extend the lockdown for years, release new variants and have new annual vaccine patients that require a jab every 6 months.

Trump took Hydroxychloroquine PROACTIVELY and then claimed Regeneron was a "cure". He made a big deal about both publicly.

"What if cures already exist?"

Trump gave them an option...brilliant as always.

Tell the truth, end the medical tyranny and release the cures OR I will force you to do so by setting another trap publicly making a statement about the safety and efficacy of these drugs, and you will walk into it, because you have no choice but to lie and force the lockdown in order to have a reason for your precious vaccines. You're greedy, and I know you'll choose option 2. So be it. Good luck to you and the MSM once the truth comes out.

Oh, by the way, ill be rushing those vaccines along with military oversight. Your plan for a perpetual lockdown and mandated jabs to function in society are about to be ripped to shreds.

Oh, you plan on releasing new variants? Good luck convincing the public to keep taking the new round of vaccinations after I pull the curtain back on Facui and show the world that "America's doctor" is a psychopathic serial killer that had a hand in creating the virus, knew it was used as a bio-weapon and then lied about it non-stop for over a year, ruining millions of lives in the process.

- How many times did Trump say "the cure cannot be worse than the disease?"

Our President knew they had far more sinister plans for us in the near future. He beat them at their own game and heavily mitigated the massive amount of death, chaos and destruction that was supposed to bring this country to its knees over the following years.

Which do you think matters more to Trump?

Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates, etc. being exposed or his reputation taking YET ANOTHER hit in the short term?

"I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you."

It's easier playing the long game when you're able to force your opponent into making the moves you want them to make at every turn.

It's even easier when you "HAVE IT ALL"...

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

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Re: Why is President Trump is pushing the vaccine?

Post by TisAwake »

Where is the Trump vaccine? I have until Sept 17 to get the jab or loose my job.
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Re: Why is President Trump is pushing the vaccine?

Post by whisperingmoon »

What bothers me is this:

Trump knows that this mandate of these deathly vaccines are given out... Trump, if you see this, please step up and warn the people about this. Children are being vaccinated and dying!!! If you are truly in charge, step up!!! PLEASE!!! People are losing their jobs, their life.... We can only do so much!!! You are promoting these death jabs and people are questing why you are for these "vaccines"....

I'm only giving heads up of what others are saying.... The people are losing hope that you are not coming back... or....not seeing anything being done about Rino's and Demo'n'crats criminalize, socialist agenda being taken care of, nor mask wearing indivisuals that are playing (actors) these roles because everywhere companies are firing people due to not taking the death jab!!!

Personally, I see it, I see whats being done... but what I don't understand is why President Trump is still encouraging to take the vaccine?? Are these crisis actors playing out a role???
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