The Revival of The Revelation Remnant

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The Revival of The Revelation Remnant

by xotrevor » Mon Sep 19, 2022 10:45 am

Who Is the Remnant?

Ḥazon (Revelation) 12:17

"And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yeshua Messiah."

The remnant is and will be a small group of the set-apart ones who have been called by Elohim for such a time as this. The set-apart remnant will have the strength, the courage, and the boldness to stand and speak the truth when all hell breaks loose here on earth.

The remnant will be the people who Elohim will use to lift up and minister to those who failed to listen and those who failed to believe the truth when it was being told to them for months and months on end, and they failed to believe it because it seemed too "far-fetched" because they were being misled, blinded and deceived by the delusion and the pull of the corrupt world system.

There will come a time in the near future when things will get so bad that people will not be able to handle all the truth that is revealed. Look around in the world today, look at what has been taken place publically over the last 2+ years, and stop and think about what has been taking place for decades behind the scenes that most of us did not even know was happening.

The reason we are seeing more of the evil agenda and the evil schemed publically over the last 2+ years is because the enemy knows his time is VERY short, and those who are being used by the enemy are in full panic mode because for the first time in the history of our nation and this entire world, the truth of their actions is being exposed on a level never seen before and more and more people are waking up every day as a result.

But not everyone will wake up, not every will accept the truth, not everyone will want to know the truth, and not everyone will be able to handle the truth. And therefore many will remain stuck in the web of lies and the deception of the world system, and they will never know the truth.

Nothing that has taken place and been exposed over the last 2+ years is a mistake, every thing no matter how good or how bad we think it is, has been allowed to happen according to God (Elohim's) plan. Every person who is a part of the evil and corrupt agenda has been given the chance and the opportunity not by man but by God (Elohim) to turn from their wicked ways, repent and do the right thing. Sadly, most of them will never turn from their wicked ways because they are too far gone, their pride, their arrogance and their greed is too great, they are in this world for one reason, to satisfy their own lusts and their own needs.

Brothers and sisters, hear me, and hear me clearly when I say the time is very short, there is a time coming soon where things will get very bad, and for those who are not hearing from God (Elohim) and those who are not prepared for what is to come it will be disastrous and devastating for them. And for those who are hearing from God (Elohim) but are choosing to ignore and disobey His commands, it will not end well for you. But for those of us "The Remnant" who are hearing clearly from God (Elohim), and those of us who are choosing to obey God (Elohim) and as a result being used by God (Elohim), we are the ones who will stand up with courage, strength, and boldness when things get bad. We will be the bright shinning light on the top of the hill. We will be the salt of the earth, and our saltiness will never lose its taste or its effectiveness. We will be the mighty warriors that God (Elohim) has not only called but the ones He has chosen to be His "Remnant".

Don't be a person who makes a choice to deny the truth. Don't be a person won't be able to handle the truth, don't be a person who won't accept the truth, and don't be a person who won't believe the truth, it will not end well for you because the truth is the only weapon that will defeat evil, the truth is the only weapon that will expose all the corruption and evil that is taking place. The truth will always win, and the truth is the only way to be set free from the bondage of sin, control, and manipulation.

Trevor Winchell
