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by xotrevor » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:53 pm


In an age of instant gratification and everybody wanting everything right now, I believe we have come to a time when we all realize that we need to get back to the basics. Regarding the 2020 election, I believe we have learned a very hard and valuable lesson regarding having the election results right away because of the technology that we are using. What we have also learned and many of us have known for some time is that with the technology we are using to deliver the results instantly or quickly also allows the same risk of being able to quickly manipulate, switch, or adjust votes. And as we all know, this completely goes against the United States Constitution, our rights as American citizens, and the rule of law.

Because of this technology that we have been using for decades now that delivers instant results, we the People have not only lost our way, we have literally lost our voice, we have lost our right to vote, and to make sure that our vote will count. I also believe we are facing a time when we will be seeing many things change regarding voting, our voting machines, and how we vote going forward.

As I have said before, and I will say it again, two of our most fundamentally important rights as American citizens is our right to vote and our voice, and when either of those are taken away, threatened, or jeopardized, that is a huge problem and ought to be a huge problem for every red red-blooded American citizen. As a candidate for the Michigan legislature, I have many people not only tell me that they are not going to vote until we get these Dominion systems removed, they also ask me what are we going to do about our election system. My answer to them is very direct and very simple, we need to get to the bottom of what took place in 2020 by having a full forensic audit just like Maricopa County in Michigan.

And not only do we need a full forensic audit in Michigan, but once the audit is completed, and when we have the true and legitimate results, those who were involved in allowing what took place in 2020 need to be held accountable and responsible according to the law of the land. Once we get to the bottom of what took place during the 2020 election, only then, can we move forward and focus on our future elections and make sure that they are not only secure, but that they are done truthfully, correctly, accurately, and honestly. And I can tell you for certain that a secure election does not include any type of electronic voting machine especially a Dominion machine, I truly believe the only way to get back to the basics to be able to gather the true vote count of we the people and the choice of the people is a paper ballot.

And I have to ask the question if the Democrats and even some RINO Republicans claim that the 2020 election was the most secure election in the history of our nation, why are they trying so hard to stop the Maricopa County and quite frankly all other full forensic audits from happening? Why are they preventing us from having access to the equipment, routers, and why were some election databases deleted which were able to be recovered by the people doing the forensic audits, but these are some serious questions that we all need to ask ourselves.

Don't you think that if the 2020 election was in fact the most secure election according to the Democrats wouldn't they be rushing to have the audit done to not only prove us wrong, but show that they are correct and that the election was accurate just to clear their name?

So I am here today to tell you that we need to continue to pay close attention to their actions because there is a definite reason why they are acting the way they are and there is a definite reason they are pushing back against these audits and not allowing us to have access to the voting machines, and the routers etc. People who are innocent do not have to go to these lengths just to prove they are innocent. If they really want to prove that they won the election fair and square, if they really want to prove that the election was secure, and if they really want to prove that the election results were accurate, the right thing to do is to have a full forensic audit to prove us wrong and to clear their name so that we can all see the truth.

As for the Michigan legislature in regard to the election fraud and a full forensic audit. As we all know according to Mr McBroom's report where he clearly states that there was absolutely no evidence found of widespread fraud or any type of fraud for that matter found in the state of Michigan even though the people believe otherwise and either even though the people of Michigan have demanded via signed affidavits demanding a full forensic audit in Michigan and almost 10 months later we still don't even have an audit and not even close.

In all honesty, I say we hold the Michigan legislature in contempt for not fulfilling the duty in which they were elected for. We the people of Michigan have the power, and we have demanded a full forensic audit as I mentioned earlier via 10,000 plus maybe almost 12,000 or even 15,000 signed affidavits, and they still refuse to do what we have requested and even demanded. It's time that we the people of Michigan stand up, and we hold these legislatures accountable and responsible for not fulfilling the will of the people, the very same people who they were elected by to represent us.

Trevor Winchell
American Patriots Forum
